How the Pursuit of Allah led a Muslim Girl to Jesus
“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ “ John 14:6
Forced Into Child Marriage
Born and raised in a devote Muslim family, Meesha (not her real name) is forced to marry at the age of 13. Her husband is in his late teens. She talks about the devastating experience and the trauma she suffered through those years. By the time she is 20, she has three children.
Meesha is from one of Iran’s ethnic minorities and her people had been pushing for freedom and political independence. By the time she is 23, the government has killed her father, then her brother and finally her husband – all on account of their political views. She is left a single mother at 23 with three young children.
Not long after this, an earthquake hits Iran and fifteen more members of her family die. The grief of losing her father particularly weighs heavily on her. Meesha increases her devotion to Allah. She begins to read the Qur’an with increased fervor. Perhaps it was her sin that had led her to this situation? Maybe if she prayed more and lived more devote, then Allah will not punish those around her?
Her grief also leads to drug addiction. She needs to numb the pain.
I had become addicted to all sorts of substances. The only reason I didn’t commit suicide was because of my children.
Miraculously Freed From Drug Addiction
Meesha does not have any Christian friends and has never heard the gospel. One day she turns on the TV and happens upon Christian programs. As she hears what the presenter shared, she finds herself crying out, “If you are truth, take this burden from me.” Immediately her addiction stops. She doubts herself. Three days pass and still, no desire for drugs. How can this be?
Through God’s separate pursuit of her mom, her uncle and her aunt, all three commit their lives to Jesus. Meesha is still doubtful. She is afraid of the newfound faith in her family members. She warns them not to speak of these things. But no one can ignore the miracle that has already happened in Meesha’s life. They all have questions.
Salvation In Her Home
One day around this time her son prays before going to bed: “God, who are you?”
God speaks to him with a clear response: I AM JESUS CHRIST.
Her son shares this with her and asks for a Bible. Hesitantly, she gets one for him but she warns him:
You can read it but you are not to convert to Christianity.
The Words of life grip her son’s life and he gives his heart to the Lord. With all this happening around her, fear grips Meesha’s heart.
Dreams, Visions and Healings
One day she sees Jesus standing right in front of her in her room. He just looks at her. He is holding her sister and her sister’s daughter in each hand. She begins attending some Christian meetings with her mom but refuses to ‘change religion’.
Her smaller son suffers from bad asthma. Her mom suggest they take him to the Christians to pray for him. They do this and he is miraculously healed (he was due to have an operation which is now no longer needed).
Meesha sees all these events but still refuses to surrender.
Then the dreams begin. Each night, she finds herself dreaming of Christ. He calls her by name and invites her to take his hand: “Give me your hands and trust in me”. She recounts the dreams with deep contentment and joy,
I would fly with Him in my dreams and He would teach me the whole world. He kept saying, ‘Just trust in me’. He would repeat this over and over again. ‘Give me your hand’.
I could see the miracles in the lives around me. How suddenly everything was turning around. But I could not let go of my Muslim faith.
One day as she is reading her Muslim prayers, she tries to say ‘Mohammad’ and ‘Jesus’ comes out instead.
No matter what I tried, the word ‘Mohammad’ would not come out of my mouth. I could not say it! In that moment I knew my heart belonged to Jesus. I got up and my uncle was there and told him I want to become a Christian.
Her uncle connects her to one of Transform Iran’s counselors. The counselor prays with Meesha, leads her to the Lord, and begins to remotely disciple and pastor her. After four months she joins the ministry.
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