Our Work
Preaching the gospel, planting churches, discipling believers, developing leaders, transforming a nation
Our wide range of projects and initiatives all support the three core pillars of evangelism, discipleship and transformation.

Bringing the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ to Iranians in and out of Iran through television, radio, social media and outreach missions

Strengthening believers, developing leaders and growing the Church- through Bible-based initiatives and resources

Implementing strategic projects that will bring lasting transformative change throughout every aspect of Iran’s society from the elite to the destitute

Church Planting
Planting churches that are rooted in the Word of God, strengthened, resourced, equipped, and actively engaged in nation-transforming mission

Leadership Development
Developing leaders that will make a powerful lasting impact on their communities, in Iran and beyond

Digital Church
Gathering and strengthening scattered, isolated Christians in a digital church community that speaks their heart language

Bible Translation
Translating the Bible into Iran’s ethnic languages, communicating the gospel to millions who have never heard it in their heart language, ensuring Christ’s transforming love reaches every community in Iran

Apologetics Center
Presenting the truth of the Word of God through an interactive Q&A center answering thousands of questions on life, meaning, faith and spirituality

Pearl of Persia
Healing and hope for victims of trauma, abuse and addiction; 1 million prostitutes, 4.4 million drug addicts, and millions more with depression, anxiety and risk of suicide need our help

Reaching the Children
Dedicated outreach and discipleship for the children - the future - of Iran, using relevant and engaging media and dedicated trained pastors

Refugees & The Persecuted
Supporting Christian refugees in the Middle East and persecuted Christians in Iran through practical and pastoral means

Helping The Hurting
Showing the love of Christ to those in need through food and medical aid, housing, counseling and more

Operation Christmas Joy
Practical love to deprived children over the Christmas season, offering winter clothing, educational supplies, toys, and a joyful celebration with party food, games, and a personal demonstration of the gospel

Why would mission focused on Iran care what happens in Afghanistan? Find out why and how Transform Iran serves in Afghanistan
Christian mission is practical and relevant, meeting real needs for real people.
We provide food for the hungry, warm clothes in the winter, medical and legal support, advocacy, and more.
Transform Iran is driven by a deep love for the people and nation of Iran – a nation full of people who have faced trauma and unimageable pain. Though we are confident the Christian gospel offers hope, healing and life, we are also aware of the acute need for practical action to meet pressing needs.
Most of the aid we provide is funded by Christians living in Iran who raise resources in their own communities and who themselves go out to minster to those in need.
This is love. This is love that will transform a nation.
More on how show the practical love of Christ to those in need.

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