Children’s Lives Transformed Through Weekly Outreach
My name is Maryam (all names changed for security reasons) and I serve as the coordinator and leader of the children’s outreach in our town in a country near Iran. I hope these testimonies that I share adequately convey my…
ReadPersecuted Christian Recalls Supernatural Power in Prison
My name is Vahik. I was incarcerated in Hamadan Prison and the notorious Evin prison because of my faith. Here is my story.
As we invest in the future of the Church, t wo more women and four men, all full of the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit, have been ordained into pastoral ministry.

Nima battled with addiction for years. Just when he thought he was going to die, Jesus met him and rescued him. Today he is being discipled by TI's digital church followup team.

A Muslim Teacher of the Quran brings his questions to PCC (TI's Digital Church), is led to Christ, and begins leading others to Christ

Transform Iran is committed to ensuring Christians and evangelists are equipped to deal with all the intellectual and theological objections to faith that Iranians may have

(part 2) Meesha commits to Christ and experiences isolation and persecution - as well as transformation, intimacy with God, and supernatural power!

A young Muslim girls finds Christ after years of trauma, as she actively pursues Allah

Transform Iran is committed to ensuring leaders and pastors are equipped to deal with all the many struggles Iranians face and to offer real, practical and effective help to those in need. Last month a group were trained in addiction counseling.

Previously unreached ethnic communities in Iran are being impacted by the translation of Bible stories and Scriptures in their heart languages

Read how one Instagram post saved a marriage, brought healing, and led a couple to find the greatest gift of all: Jesus Christ

Operation Christmas Joy showed me with real Christian joy and community looked like. Now today I want to help others like me.