Iranians’ Bravery Grows as They Break Away from Regime: NewsMax
By Lana Silk
Eyewitness: ‘Down with America’ to ‘Down with the Dictator’
As we arrive at the new year (America’s New Year is Jan.1, the Iranian New Year is in March), I can’t help but recognize a “new Iran” transforming and emerging before my eyes.
From a global perspective, there are quite a few things changing in Iran regarding the people’s rebellion toward the country’s government.
I grew up in an Iran that notoriously forced us to chant “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” each day in grade school.
Assuredly, there were no opportunities for dissention or opposition.
It was and has been deliberate indoctrination into hatred and violence towards America and Israel for more than 30 years.
The turmoil in the Mideast is on the precipice of total volatility.
I’ve noticed how the Iranian people’s courage, voice and boldness has grown in a stand against their own government, namely against the grand ayatollah (supreme leader) who is the key puppeteer and dictator controlling the nation.
Iranians have changed their cries to something new; instead of chanting “Death to America” and “Death to Israel,” they’ve turned on their own leadership, crying, “Death to The Dictator.”
Their tenacity in doing so is particularly notable.
While the Iranian people, severely oppressed by their own leadership for more than four decades, have recognized their abuse for a long time, there has been a large amount of fear surrounding the consequences of doing anything about it or raising any heads above the parapet — until now.
Following Mahsa Amini’s death in 2022, the world rallied behind the women of Iran in such a peculiar way that it sparked a rebellion within the Iranian people unlike ever before. Amini’s case wasn’t a unique incident; what happened to her wasn’t new.
But this time, people rallied behind her fight and bonded together in that process.
This created a domino effect of the Iranian people finding their courage, hearing the cries of the other people around them and having that unified voice amplified on a global level for the first time in history.
Despite being shot at, assaulted, tortured, imprisoned, and isolated, the Iranian people willingly stepped into open fire and blatant brutality day after day for nearly a year straight, revealing that the Iranian people were ready to stand in a way that they hadn’t for decades.
And they haven’t lost this new passion.
Although the street protests have stopped, others haven’t. The discontent developed among the people from the lack of freedom and opportunity, economic devastation and severe maltreatment has finally reached a consistent boiling point.
The Iranian people are sitting on go as they now acknowledge that their way of life, under the regime’s horrific control, is unacceptable.
While there is still a minority (a single-digit percentage) who are very Islamic and declare they support the government, the rest have had enough and are prepared to do whatever it takes for freedom.
If they must, these people will die fighting.
We continue to get reports from the people’s rebellion, reiterating, “We are dead anyway. Our government is brutalizing us, and there’s no future for us here. We will do whatever it takes.”
Through this rebellion, the people of Iran have shown the world that the “new Iran” has undeniable hope and humanity. There’s a distinct difference between the Iranian people and the government that has controlled them for so long.
In their protest, we have a unique opportunity to stand alongside these Iranians in awareness, advocacy, and prayer.
With Iran at the center of the Mideast, its influence serves a great purpose, especially in times of such turmoil. A changed Iran means a changed Mideast.
As Iranians break away from the control of their government in such a fearless way, dedicated organizations planted in Iran stand at the ready to embrace these rebels with protection, resources and messages of truth; these are the groups we need to stand behind.
In doing so, we can ultimately offer hope, freedom ,and a brighter future of peace to Iran and the greater Mideast.
Header image: A stand and signs during a rally in support of the Iranian people and the Women Life Freedom movement in Lyon, France on Dec. 14, 2024. (Elsa Biyick/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images)
Originally published on: NewsMax

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