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Please use the guide below to help you pray with greater clarity. There are 14 points for the country, and 14 points for the believers. One for each day of a 4-week cycle. You can also download this simple prayer guide and print to use at your convenience.

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Prayers of Iranians Today

On 1 February 2025, more than 1,500 devices (representing several thousand believers) from 80 cities across 23 countries came together for a transformative 12-hour global prayer event, united in prayer for Iran’s healing and restoration. Those who could not dial in were united in prayer where they were, some participating in powerful prayer walks across Iran – praying in towns, cities, and villages to lift up the nation in faith.

Watch the video compilation of these heartfelt prayers and join us in faith for Iran’s transformation.

  • Salvation – for hundreds of thousands more to hear the message of the gospel and be saved
  • Government – justice in government; end to corruption; miraculous conversions and encounters with God for those in leadership
  • Women – healing and an understanding of their God-given worth; protection for those in vulnerable situations; salvation for the lost
  • Children – protection from all evil that surrounds them and sufficient provision for their health and well-being, mentally and physically and spiritually
  • Street/Working Children – loving homes, education, food and hope for the hundreds of thousands of working children
  • Youth – 20 million young people in Iran (16-26 year-olds, including more than 3 million college/university students), with millions suffering from the lack of meaningful employment, drug addiction and the curse of legal prostitution through temporary marriages; pray against these holds on the youth of Iran
  • Men – godly men to rise up; men to find their identity in Christ and to defend the cause of the voiceless
  • Education – that children will learn a wholesome curriculum and the teenagers will gain fair access to higher education; pray for redemption across what is currently being taught to children in Iran
  • Employment – provision of jobs for the hundreds of thousands of annual graduates (unemployment rates are high), for fair work and opportunities for women, for an end to harassment at work for women
  • Economy – people of integrity to gain positions of influence and for the economy to recover; for the impact of sanctions on regular working class people to be diminished; for the end of corruption
  • Addiction – 4.4 million drug addicts in Iran find healing in Jesus Christ; for Transform Iran’s ministry to these people to be fruitful
  • Prostitution and temporary marriage – protection and healing for the vulnerable, including the 1 million women forced into prostitution, and the many more abused through Iran’s ‘temporary marriage’ laws allows men to ‘marry’ women and young girls for even just a few hours
  • Peace – God’s mercy and intervention to prevent ungodly uprisings; for Iran to be transformed and become a beacon of light and peace in that whole region
  • Ethnic groups – for the dozens of ethnic groups in Iran who do not have the Bible in their heart language to gain access to the Word in their language through the ongoing Bible translation projects and for the Church to be established and rooted in these communities as they worship and learn in their own languages
  • Protection – wisdom in decision making for underground leaders and supernatural covering as they witness and disciple young Christians
  • Faith and courage – an increase in faith and boldness in believers as they share their faith with others
  • Underground Churches – new churches established, all churches to become spirit filled communities, protection from the infiltration of spies, wisdom and discernment
  • Prisoners – peace for those in prison, protection from further harm, protection and provision for their families, and quick release; for many to be impacted by the gospel in prison through their witness
  • Ethnic believers – Churches to be planted in the heart languages of all the peoples of Iran, believers in these communities to be strengthened and encouraged and empowered to share with others and see the gospel advance
  • Prayer – the body of Christ to be rooted in prayer; for Transform Iran’s Meeting Tent online prayer community to continue to help create a culture of prayer
  • Media ministry – for the evangelism and discipleship materials we share via TV, radio, social media and Internet to find good soil and for the Church to be strengthened and advance as a result
  • Leaders – for more godly spirit-filled leaders to be developed and resourced so they can join the mission to see Iran transformed
  • Holy Spirit leading – for miraculous leading to those in need so that the gospel can be taken to more and more who are crying out for it in silence
  • Refugees – those struggling to find legal status in countries outside Iran to have their papers approved so that they can begin to rebuild lives after escape from persecution; for opportunity to work and study for these families; for medical needs to be met (hugely expensive and prohibitive for refugee families)
  • Workers – the harvest is great! For workers to be added with the right skills and pure hearts so that the work of God can continue to grow as we reach Iran for Christ
  • Funds – for the necessary resources to fund the mission to see Iran transformed by the love and power of Christ
  • Transform Iran – wise leadership, integrity in governance, protection over families and marriage, unity, health
  • Other Iran-focused organizations – blessing on ever organization serving the people of Iran: provision, fruit, and unity

Please feel free to use this video to inspire and fuel your prayers for Iran. This video was provided by our friends at Prayercast. Click here to pray with them for more nations.