
The story of the Iranian church is one of immense struggle but also incredible strength. Despite living in a society that actively suppresses their faith, Christians in Iran have found new ways to worship, connect, and grow.

As Ramadan begins, millions of Muslims across the globe will embark on a month-long journey of prayer and devotion. For many Christians, this time of heightened spiritual sensitivity offers a unique opportunity to pray for the Islamic world and to reach out to those in search of hope and truth.

Hear Grace tell her story of how Jesus redeemed her life (4 minutes) Grace was chosen by her husband at the age of 14. She tears up as she…

An in-depth report highlights the struggles of Iranian Christian women in Turkey, who face housing issues, unsafe jobs, discrimination, and constant fear of deportation. Pia van Belen asks Christians around the world for support.

Chuck Crismier and Lana Silk discuss how God is moving in extraordinary ways within Iran's underground church, shedding light on the hope that is emerging in a country in desperate need of change.

What does it mean to carry our cross, especially in persecution? And if we're not suffering, how can we support those who are? This conversation highlights God's desire to restore nations in the Middle East, including Iran.

As we invest in the future of the Church, t wo more women and four men, all full of the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit, have been ordained into pastoral ministry.

While the Iranian regime seeks to mold and shape the next generation with Islamic propaganda in schools, Transform Iran is actively investing to reach Iranian children in multiple ways with the Gospel.

Hear why the Iranian people are tired of the Islamic Regime and how Iran's underground church is flourishing in house churches despite persecution from the regime

Alex Kocman and Lana Silk discuss the Church in Iran, the transformative power of the gospel, the impact of Christian fathers, and more

In this article, Lana talks about her childhood faith experience growing up in Iran that was starkly different than many in the West, and how as parents, we can change the narrative with our own children so that they maintain lifelong walks with Christ.

Despite decades of government control and oppression, the church in Iran continues to grow and thrive more than ever before. Read about the divinely interrelated avenues that influence this and their parallels with the first Church in the book of Acts.

Five of the six candidates in Iran's upcoming presidential election are hardliners like former president Ebrahim Raisi. In this article, Lana shares her perspective on the situation.

In developing new translations of God's Word, how can we ensure authenticity and that they can be received and truly understood by those it has been prepared for? In this article, Lana talks about the weight of this responsibility and the many aspects that need to be prayerfully considered.