Iran missiles

Understanding the Iranian Attack on Israel: The Christian Response

On Saturday April 13, senior pastors at Transform Iran met for three hours of prayer. The subject: Iran, Israel, the threat of war, the cry for peace and for healing for our country. Iran is in turmoil. The threat of war looms on every corner. People are frightened. “Our hope is in God and in God alone.”

After months of proxy fighting, not to mention years of veiled (and at times very direct) threats, Iran and Israel have entered into new territory and the gloves are definitely off.

What Led to Iran Attacking Israel?

On Monday April 1, Israel conducted a deadly strike attack on Iran’s embassy in Syria, destroying a building used by the IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps) and killing amongst others, seven of Iran’s military advisers and senior commanders. Amongst the dead were Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander in Quds Force – Iran’s elite foreign espionage and paramilitary arm (Zahedi was head of the Quds Force in Lebanon and Syria until 2016), General Sadegh Omidzadeh, the intelligence deputy of the Quds Force in Syria, and his deputy, known as Hajj Gholam. 

Iran’s Islamic regime vowed retaliation.

On Saturday April 13, in an unprecedented and emboldened move, Iran attacked Israel. The Iranian regime sent around 350 projectiles (drones and ballistic missiles) towards Israel. Strikes reportedly came from Iran’s bases across Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon’s Hezbollah as well as Iran. Most were intercepted by Israel’s aerial defense systems. 

Iranian officials have called it a “defensive operation” and identified the target to be Israel’s Nevatim airbase, alleging this was the source of Israel’s attack on their assets in Syria earlier in the month. Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has tweeted that Iran has “no intention of continuing defensive operations” at this point unless it is attacked.

Iranian authorities responded to the attack on April 1 in order to make a clear statement and warn Israel to retreat. But it was a total miscalculation because now Israel cannot keep quiet for risk of further emboldening the Iranians. Israel does not want to be the instigator of war while the West watches but do they have a choice?

Now the world waits to see what Israel’s response will be.

The drums of war are beating.

[Update: on 19 April, Israel responded with a series of retaliatory missile strikes on Iranian military sites: an Iranian Air Force base near Isfahan. The location is significant because it is close to Iranian nuclear facilities, sending a warning that Israel is capable of hitting significant and strategic sites if she chooses to. With this, both sides have sent clear warning signals to the other whilst managing to avoid an immediate escalation.]

What Should be the Christian Response to Iran Attacking Israel?

Remember Iran and The Islamic Republic of Iran are Not the Same

Remember that the leaders of Iran do not represent the people of Iran. For years the Islamic Republic has been working hard to create a culture of hatred and anger towards the West and particularly towards Israel and the United States. School children have been lined up in school yards and instructed to shout, “Death to Israel! Death to America!” Yet despite all the countless efforts to brainwash, the people of Iran have not bought the lie. Just months ago, the people of Iran took to the streets and responded to their own leaders with the reverse cry, “Death to the dictator!”.

The vast majority of the people of Iran do not support the acts of their Islamic government. They themselves suffer at the hands of the current brutal regime that has stripped them of their freedoms, their voice and their future. Almost 28 million Iranians now live below the poverty line (that is around one third of the population). As sanctions continue in an effort to control the threat Iran poses, the leadership remain untouched, with their billions of dollars’ worth of wealth stored up in offshore accounts. Instead, the everyday Iranian struggles for work, for affordable housing, and for many, even access to affordable food and medical care.

Remember the Commandments and the Promises of Scripture

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Matthew 5:44

If we consider Iran an enemy, we should love her all the more. As Christians, we are called to pray for those who persecute us – we could add to that, the threat of persecution and the persecution of those we love. As we pray, we cry out, “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10).

God’s heart is that not one should perish! He is patient in order to see as many as possible come to eternal life in Christ Jesus:

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9

In Jeremiah 49 we are told that God will “restore the fortunes of Elam “. Elam is modern day Iran. Just before this promise, there is another promise and a warning:

‘I will set my throne in Elam and destroy her king and officials,’ declares the Lord.
‘Yet I will restore the fortunes of Elam in days to come,’ declares the Lord.

Jeremiah 49:38-39

The three verses in the leadup to these promises speak of much destruction. There are various schools of thought on what has happened through history and what is yet to happen. Christians are studying Biblical prophecies to understand what has happened and predict what is coming. One thing is very clear: we are waiting for God to establish His throne in Iran. There can be no doubt about it. In fact, He has already begun to establish His throne in Iran through drawing over one million Iranian Muslims to salvation in the last 45 years alone.

God is looking for those whose hearts are turned towards him. He leaves the 99 to go seek out the 1. There are broken and lost Iranians today who need the gospel more than ever before. This includes those in leadership as well as those who are obviously downtrodden. With the threat of war and the anticipation of more pain and suffering, their hope can only be in the power and saving love of Jesus Christ.

Iranian woman

Remember to Pray

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16

Pray that the many efforts to share the gospel with Iranians fall on good soil and that millions will turn to Christ.

Pray for the Christians that they will be a light in the darkness, courageous in their witness, led by the supernatural wisdom and power of Christ.

Pray for protection for the Christians as they are bound to suffer greater persecution as Iran sets Israel in her crosshairs. Christians have long been accused of ‘siding with the Zionist Israelis’.

Pray for the innocent, the widows and orphans, and all those that stand to lose much in this conflict. Pray for mercy. Pray for salvation.

Pray for the future of Iran. The Lord has said that He will establish His throne there and bring restoration. Pray in partnership with the promise of this scripture. Pray in faith.

Pray for the leaders of Iran and Israel. Pray for the Lord to ‘steer the hearts of kings like streams of water’ and for the innocent to be spared in this escalating conflict. Pray for Saul -> Paul conversions. Pray for the dreams of the leaders of the IRGC and the Ayatollahs, that they will encounter Jesus and be transformed.

Pray for the peace of people in Iran, in Israel, in Gaza and in the surrounding region. 

If you can, donate so we can continue to share the gospel with Iranians, disciple the converts, and help those in need. We will not rest until the Word of God reaches every home and heart in Iran.

Published on
15 April 2024
History of Iran: Journey from Ancient Empires to the Modern Islamic Republic What Does the Death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi Mean for Christians in Iran and for the West?

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