
Now that Israel has retaliated against Iran, is war inevitable? Learn more and be encouraged to pray for the Middle East.

Amid growing tensions between Israel and Iran, more Iranians are openly calling for the Jewish state to take military action against their own government. CBN's George Thomas hears from Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi and Transform Iran's Lana Silk.

If Israel retaliates for missiles Iran fired earlier this week, Iran says there will be more. But behind the threats, the people of Iran are divided and desperate.

Lana Silk of Transform Iran joins Efrem Graham of Christian World News to talk about the Iranian people’s anger at the government, disillusion with Islam, and the growing Christian church in Iran.

Will newly-inaugurated President Masoud follow through on his criticisms of internet filtering by lifting restrictions? Learn why the many forms of media are so effective in reaching Iranians with the gospel and how you can support this work.

Iran's "morality police" continue to tighten the chokehold on women with more restrictive veiling laws, but paradoxically, these very women are being increasingly forced into acts of sexual exploitation.

Read how Transform Iran prepares ministry leaders to reach Iranians more effectively through digital media training.

Children are not exempt from the pain that the people of Iran are suffering today. Find out about the challenges they face and how you can help them find hope.

Kamran is een gelovige jonge Iraniër. Door onverwerkte jeugdtrauma’s heeft hij last van woede-uitbarstingen. Hij is wanhopig en zet een reactie bij een Pearl of Persia-bericht op sociale media. Dankzij de begeleiding van zuster Stella vindt hij zijn geloof en leven terug.

After last week's failed peace talks between Hamas and Israel, will Iran now activate its promised retaliation against Israel? What about the implications for the Iranian people? How can we as Christians respond?