Will newly-inaugurated President Masoud follow through on his criticisms of internet filtering by lifting restrictions? Learn why the many forms of media are so effective in reaching Iranians with the gospel and how you can support this work.
Iran's "morality police" continue to tighten the chokehold on women with more restrictive veiling laws, but paradoxically, these very women are being increasingly forced into acts of sexual exploitation.
Read how Transform Iran prepares ministry leaders to reach Iranians more effectively through digital media training.
Children are not exempt from the pain that the people of Iran are suffering today. Find out about the challenges they face and how you can help them find hope.
Kamran is een gelovige jonge Iraniër. Door onverwerkte jeugdtrauma’s heeft hij last van woede-uitbarstingen. Hij is wanhopig en zet een reactie bij een Pearl of Persia-bericht op sociale media. Dankzij de begeleiding van zuster Stella vindt hij zijn geloof en leven terug.
After last week's failed peace talks between Hamas and Israel, will Iran now activate its promised retaliation against Israel? What about the implications for the Iranian people? How can we as Christians respond?
While the Iranian regime seeks to mold and shape the next generation with Islamic propaganda in schools, Transform Iran is actively investing to reach Iranian children in multiple ways with the Gospel.
What is Iran's battle strategy? Does Iran want a war within its borders? How are everyday Iranians responding?
Hear why the Iranian people are tired of the Islamic Regime and how Iran's underground church is flourishing in house churches despite persecution from the regime
Alex Kocman and Lana Silk discuss the Church in Iran, the transformative power of the gospel, the impact of Christian fathers, and more
In this article, Lana talks about her childhood faith experience growing up in Iran that was starkly different than many in the West, and how as parents, we can change the narrative with our own children so that they maintain lifelong walks with Christ.
Despite decades of government control and oppression, the church in Iran continues to grow and thrive more than ever before. Read about the divinely interrelated avenues that influence this and their parallels with the first Church in the book of Acts.