Praying for Miracles in the Middle East This Christmas: iBelieve
By Lana Silk
The immense volatility in the Middle East is unignorable. Not only are the acts of violence and tensions between these nations and the people within them worsening, but the world outside the Middle East is joining in, magnifying this division and these ill perceptions on a global scale.
As someone who was born in Iran myself, this is heartbreaking to witness. Yet, the hope I have for this region of the world is even greater. As we enter into this season, a time of joy and reflection on the miracle of Jesus, I can’t help but wonder what God has in store for the Middle East. As I hear more and more testimonies of Muslims encountering Jesus through dreams and visions, I am certain there is much more transformation in store for this region of the world—and the birth and life of Jesus is all the confirmation I need.
God invited a deliberate spectrum of people into the secret of Jesus’ birth, creating a beautiful picture of love, acceptance, and hope. From the very beginning, both ends of society bore witness to Jesus’ glory; the Magi, who were educated, with financial means and affluent connections—and the shepherds, who were manual workers, less educated and working in undesirable conditions—all worshipping the newborn King with the same reverence and wonder, experiencing the same miraculous gift of God’s grace.
God brought in both the Magi and the shepherds into this holy historical moment as a picture of His grand love and willingness to be known by anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear. Just as it was throughout Jesus’ ministry—with the Samaritan woman, the fishermen, the tax collectors, the lepers, and the Pharisees—we too are pursued by a God who shows no partiality and remains the same yesterday, today and tomorrow—a present Lord, seeking any and all who are open to Him.
We are all imperfect, messy, and have fallen short, but Jesus was sent so that none should perish. Saul, one of the most evil and violent persecutors of the early church, was miraculously converted to Paul, a transformed man utterly devoted to the gospel spread, surrendering every aspect of his life to Christ.
Miraculous Conversions in the East
In the same way today, we are witnessing radical conversion miracles in the Middle East—a movement growing like wildfire before our very eyes. Similar to Paul, there are members within violent Muslim groups—those personally hunting Christians day in and day out—who encounter Jesus through miraculous dreams and visions, many immediately denouncing their Islamic faith and choosing to give their lives fully to Christ.
Where the Lord leads these radical converts is just as miraculous—to the very people whom they’ve persecuted within the secret Christian churches of the Middle East! Isn’t this the perfect picture of God’s love? Just as the early church embraced Paul in obedience to Christ Jesus, these members of the underground church love and welcome in these converts—the very Muslim leaders and militants who have once sought to murder them!
The secret church of the Middle East prays for their enemies out of obedience, and we must follow their example. Who is deserving of our prayers? Not one over another.
Therefore, I challenge you:
What Miracles Will You Pray for This Christmas Over the Middle East?
As we know Jesus is faithful, hearing our earnest prayers, and able to do more than we could ask or imagine, let us also pray big prayers this Christmas for the people of the Middle East:
1. For a radical wave of miraculous dreams and visions for our ‘enemies.’
When we consider those Middle Eastern “enemy nations,” terrorist groups, and individuals persecuting the Church, the very examples of the ‘least of these’ who Jesus loves, I urge you to pray for an even bigger epidemic of dreams and visions this Christmas. Pray that these encounters will lead to deep conviction, radical transformation, and pathways to other believers who will disciple these converts well.
2. For the Muslim leaders of the Middle East.
Radical change will happen when radical changes in leadership happen. As we pray for Christians to inherit leadership positions, may we also pray that current Muslim leaders would encounter Jesus in miraculous ways, surrendering their lives to Him.
3. For the development and protection of the secret Church.
Regarding our fellow brothers and sisters comprising the underground church of the Middle East, may we pray for miraculous protection and divine camouflage from enemy persecution, as well as for opportunities of bold evangelism, strengthened discipleship, church growth, and increased mercy for their enemies.
4. For peace in the Middle East.
As we know, we are called to pray for peace in the Middle East. Rather than watching from the sidelines, as if from a sports match hoping one team will win and the other will lose, let us pray for all sides and all people in the Middle East— for miraculous peace, unity, and salvation in Christ Jesus. This unity in our Savior is the only way we will see true victory for the Kingdom of God.
5. For what—and whom—the Lord lays on your heart.
The individuals we don’t want to pray for are exactly who we should pray for. As we pause and examine our hearts toward the Middle East, may we ask the Lord how we should pray. He will show us and lead us to pray for miracles beyond our scope of thinking.
He will lead us to action-oriented faith in prayer, and advocacy and perhaps even into supporting organizations that make ongoing efforts to share the gospel and grow the underground church.
A Christmas Season Saturated with Miracles
As we prepare for the holidays, consider your heart towards the Middle East and compare it with the heart of Christ. Ponder how Jesus sat and listened to all people—the tax collectors, prostitutes, and Pharisees alike—opening the door of truth and love through discussion to see and know others. As believers, we’ve seen firsthand the miracle he’s already done through Jesus. Now, the question we must ask ourselves is if we are going to share that gift with others, facilitating the very purpose to which we have been called.
Like the sons of Issachar who understood the times and the season of which had been prophesied, we must remain attuned to all that God is doing in our world—not blind to our own biases, culture, and regulations. So many of those in Jesus’ time missed the point. Let’s not miss it, too.
Therefore, let us join together as a nation of believers who pray for our enemies, having compassion for all people, and seeking to share the gospel in every tribe, tongue, and nation around the globe. Let us find out what is happening beyond the cover of the news. As we pray and earnestly desire for God to guide us, he will continue to grow our love for all people in the Middle East. All we need to do is look at the ministries on the ground there and follow God’s example in love, getting involved and adding fuel to the Great Commission fire.
We can be involved in what God is doing; He’s patient and waiting for us to join in.
Anyone can have eyes to see and ears to hear; it is far from our place to say who that is. Rather, it is our role to imitate Jesus in audacious faith, action, mercy, and love. This Christmas, as we consider Jesus’ birth and those who need Him most, join me in boldly praying for undeniable miracles in the Middle East.
Header Photo Credit: ©SWN (Salem Web Network)
Originally published on: iBelieve

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