Where is the Justice for the Women of Iran?: Medium
by Lana Silk
If you have read the Bible, you are likely acquainted with God’s desire for justice. Though justice is ultimately and righteously paid for us, as believers in Christ, on the cross — I remain firm in believing we are given an innate sense of advocating for those who cannot fight for themselves. After all, the Bible tells us to stand up for those who are oppressed and enslaved.
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” Proverbs 31:8–9
While acts of injustice are rampant across the globe, things are escalating in Iran as seen in the protests from young people. The injustices currently imposed upon the Iranian people are grievous, ranging from people being beaten and killed for their beliefs, to their voices being silenced at all costs in their valiant fighting efforts for freedom and justice.
Though the young people of Iran have yet to experience true freedom themselves with the current government dictating their culture, religion, appearance, education and voice, they are resiliently fighting back with a glimmer of hope in their hearts. Despite the original culture of Iran, once beautifully thriving — filled with generosity, kindness, wealth and creativity — the current government’s aggressive enforcement of control has changed Iran drastically, restricting many freedoms, imposing aggression upon Iranians and persecuting specific people groups.
Specifically, let us then raise awareness for the women and young girls of Iran, who are currently being brutally murdered for their protests.
Among the many injustices in Iran that have taken place over the last 40 years since the Iranian Revolution, the focus for my heart remains burdened for these women. Having been born in Iran, I have personal experience of life under Iran’s Islamic rule and know first-hand what it’s like to live under the rules and limitations Iran’s youth are fighting today. If anyone desires justice for these girls, it is me.
I cannot sit idly by, knowing these courageous women who have been oppressed and abused their entire lives, while they are murdered in cold blood — and now by legal government authority — for their courageous protests. I cannot.
I often ponder my own alternate reality; what if that had been me? What if my family had not left Iran? What if I had never known Jesus? What if I did not know my worth today? What if I was only able to make decisions under the covering and control of my father or husband? What if I was trapped in a loveless marriage, having been enslaved to an older man at age 12 or 13, without rights to my own body? What if I was taken into marriage, impregnated by 14, divorced and tossed into the street without any legal standing or future? What if my children were taken from me? What if I was sold into prostitution by my own family? What if I was given into temporary marriage for a mere five hours, only to be used for my body, adulterated and sullied, ultimately leaving me to find my own way with easy access to drugs — a rather common avenue of coping with the trauma of it all?
No, this is not how my life turned out — but this is absolutely the reality for the women of Iran.
However, there is hope for justice.
“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17
I maintain hope because I know Jesus. I know that He is the one who sets the captives free. This verse says it: “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” We must bring that freedom to Iran; these women need to know Jesus, the one who sets the captives free. He is the chain-breaker who desires for these women to know their worth — their immense value and purpose — granting showing them their worth, their immense value, giving them life, freedom, purpose and joy.
And I have seen it happening. Though these courageous women have only begun the fight, their resilience and valor is something for which to be noticed; I am convinced that though they may not see it yet, the fight within their hearts is nothing shy of a deep seed of inspiration from the true Spirit of God. I believe these women will come to know Jesus.
This united spark in their hearts is merely the beginning of the fire of freedom in Christ. It is our job to fight alongside them, seeking justice for them, being the hands and feet of the Lord, showing them the tender love of Jesus — the man who loved women better than any man on earth ever has and ever will.
Jesus stood up for women in a time, place and culture when no one else did. His eyes for women was revolutionary and transformative. He gave women a voice, purpose and true freedom in a setting where women were valued commensurately with livestock — not unlike the women of Iran are valued now.
Not only did Jesus call these women worthy; He also advocated for them. Jesus stood up for the woman who was to be stoned; He, the only One with the authority to condemn her, instead defended her, extending His generous grace while calling her higher. That is the heart of Jesus. He empowers us, strengthens us and fights for us — even if we do not see it in the moment.
I can assure you that God desires freedom, justice and love for these innocent women. He is calling us to advocate for them in an outward stance of His power and love. If we do not, who will stand in the gap for them?
“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2
We must actively pray for the country of Iran — for the protection and liberation of the women in Christ Jesus, for the eyes of Iranian men (and Iranian authorities) to be opened to Truth and for their hearts to be moved by the Spirit of God, and for the Word of God to spread like wildfire throughout the country, bringing truth in love to all.
The Word of God is more powerful than any double-edged sword, able to cut through the hearts most far from Him. His love has the ability to permeate any and every soul — regardless of circumstance, outlook or past. No one is too far from the love of Jesus.
We must not forget these women. We cannot. God’s will is to save them; God’s will is for His people to advocate for them — to share this information with our communities, standing in solidarity with these courageous souls — without fear or trembling, but firm in Christ Jesus, who can set every captive free.
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed,” Luke 4:18
Originally posted on: Medium.

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