Originally aired on Cornerstone Network’s Hope Today show.
Simon, Transform Iran’s Projects Director shares on life in Iran and about how God has been at work, even as His people have suffered. (scroll down to find the IRAN podcast)
Lazarus shares in detail on the spiritual revolution sweeting across the nation of Iran
How Iranians are encountering God today
Hear Lazarus Yeghnazar share powerfully on the radical move of God in Iran – your faith will be stirred!
A new season ahead for the new ‘Transform Iran'
Read about the heart and vision behind 222’s new name: Transform Iran
Read this French language interview with Lana Silk about the current 'women's revolution' in Iran
Transform Iran is passionate about leadership development. The Church in Iran is growing fast. Converts are relatively ‘easy’. But disciples, and from those, leaders who can help disciple more converts,…