Transform Iran equips pastors to mobilize kids for missions: Mission Network News
By Katey Hearth
Iran (MNN) — One ministry is tapping into an overlooked people group in Iran, preparing ways to mobilize them for mission.
“Children are dear to Jesus’s heart,” Transform Iran’s Lana Silk says. “He encouraged His disciples to make sure that the children would have direct access to Him, so we want to make sure we reach them, too.”
Knowing that children hold the future of Iran, the Iranian regime seeks to mold and shape the Next Generation from a very young age.
“The government knows the power of reaching children. Children are brainwashed [in school] having to shout ‘Death to America, death to Israel’ at the beginning of every school day,” Silk says.
[They are] surrounded by propaganda in their classrooms and taught Islamic propaganda through their lessons. What they need to be hearing is the voice of Jesus.
This fall, Transform Iran is teaching 35 Iranian pastors how to reach the Next Generation for Christ. More about that here.
Silk says the ministry seeks to incorporate “all the same principles we do through adult ministry, where you train people effectively, qualify them, and release them to reach other people” into its children’s outreach.
“How do we now apply that to children? That’s a different skill set, and we want to ensure our pastors are equipped to do that well,” she says.
Help sow into the future of Iran here. Pray the upcoming training will trigger a ripple effect of transformation.
“We talk about the people in Iran with malintent who are out for destruction. How wonderful it would be to raise a generation that is contra that culture and wants something different,” Silk notes.
Originally published on: Mission Network News

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