While the Iranian regime seeks to mold and shape the next generation with Islamic propaganda in schools, Transform Iran is actively investing to reach Iranian children in multiple ways with the Gospel.
Hear why the Iranian people are tired of the Islamic Regime and how Iran's underground church is flourishing in house churches despite persecution from the regime
Alex Kocman and Lana Silk discuss the Church in Iran, the transformative power of the gospel, the impact of Christian fathers, and more
In this article, Lana talks about her childhood faith experience growing up in Iran that was starkly different than many in the West, and how as parents, we can change the narrative with our own children so that they maintain lifelong walks with Christ.
Despite decades of government control and oppression, the church in Iran continues to grow and thrive more than ever before. Read about the divinely interrelated avenues that influence this and their parallels with the first Church in the book of Acts.
Five of the six candidates in Iran's upcoming presidential election are hardliners like former president Ebrahim Raisi. In this article, Lana shares her perspective on the situation.
In developing new translations of God's Word, how can we ensure authenticity and that they can be received and truly understood by those it has been prepared for? In this article, Lana talks about the weight of this responsibility and the many aspects that need to be prayerfully considered.
Learn how Iranian Christians are being equipped to share the Gospel with seekers who are asking tough questions.
The upcoming presidential election for Iran isn't likely to increase freedoms or reduce oppression. Learn why and how you can pray.
Iranian believers in the diaspora reference Daniel and the “writing on the wall” as many mull if the helicopter accident that caused President Raisi's death portends more changes to come.
A Muslim Teacher of the Quran brings his questions to PCC (TI's Digital Church), is led to Christ, and begins leading others to Christ
On May 19 2024, Iran's President together with senior government officials, died in a helicopter crash. What are the implications and what can we do?
Three million unreached people in northern Iran can now read God's Word in their own language, with more to come. Find out how you can help.
Why does Transform Iran include Muslims in their Bible translation work? This article explains more and the impact of their engagement.