Training Addiction Counselors
“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.“ Isaiah 61:1
23 leaders, church planters and counselors have received in-depth training on how to help those with addiction walk in freedom.
The five-day training event in Europe took time to teach Transform Iran’s leaders and counselors the dynamics of addiction, the complexities and nuances that trap the person in bondage, and practical steps in how to help the victims overcome their addiction.

Sessions included teaching on ‘motivational interviewing’ – a powerful counseling tool that can be used in any aspect of Christian ministry.
Addiction is a serious problem in Iran. One of the most prevalent is drug addiction. Official statistics for the number addicted to drugs vary widely. We estimate 4.4 million though we expect the real figure is higher. It is believed that 35-40% of all opiates produced in Afghanistan are trafficked to Iran.
Transform Iran is committed to ensuring all our leaders are equipped to deal with the many struggles Iranians face and to offer real, practical and effective help to those in need.
Delegates received in-depth specialist training from Sjaak Monster who shared his vast experience and expertise with us. Sjaak has spent 44 years in addiction ministry, including 30 years working and training abroad, including all over the Middle East. He has served as an international trainer for De Hoop and has a good understanding of the Iranian mindset. From 2014-2016 he visited Iran three times – he was invited by Iranian authorities to train officials, NGO’s and social workers in the country.
This was such a necessary step in equipping growing leaders in our ministry to effectively help those who struggle with addiction. We visited again the principals of bringing things into light to be truly free of them. In some cases, I would say even their world view and point of view was redeemed and helped. There was healing. I’m so grateful we were able to do it.
Stella, Pearl of Persia Director
Not only were delegates equipped to give effective help to those struggling with addiction, they themselves received ministry and prayer over many areas of their own lives. Delegates walked away with a renewed clarity and resolve to ensure that all aspects of their personal and family lives benefited from the full power of the gospel and the freedom that Christ had won for them. They were encouraged to use the opportunity to bring what has been holding them back into the light and “stop them having a hold over you”.
People shared their fears, their concerns, their burdens… Couples and colleagues took the time to encourage and pray for each other. “There was such openness. There is a shame-honor culture in the Middle East. Transform Iran has always created an environment for our leaders to grow free of the negative aspects of this. This session was no exception. We don’t want to raise leaders to a place where they cannot confess to weakness and have the space and courage to face them. Praise God for the openness and unity we enjoy where we can continually grow and become stronger together.” -Stella
I have to look at myself first even before I attempt to help addicts. First me, then my family then my church then the addicts that I seek to serve.
I came because I wanted to learn to help the addicted believers who come to our church. I leave this training with full hands.
For years, I have had a burden in my heart for girls and women, especially those who are in the trap of addiction or prostitution. I have worked in a safe house and in a refugee camp. I have faced various people’s issues. I wanted to participate in this course so that I could gain more insight. This training gave me a deeper understanding of the condition of addicts. I believe that God will use me as a tool to help His lost sons and daughters. I will also pass on what I’ve learned to others.
I am determined to provide better help to those whom I will serve as a pastor or counselor, according to the clear and concrete steps I learned in this training.
Before participating in this training course, despite years of experience as a pastor, I realized I didn’t really know anything about addicts, or how to speak with them. These teachings opened my eyes to a new window of counseling; to help the person to shorten the distance between captivity and decision making for change.
Helping injured people is my calling. Our strength is in our calling. God is looking for our empty hands, our passionate hearts for the most broken people, and walking in our calling.
Pastors who had been ministering for years with addicts were saying it opened their eyes to really understand the addict in a way they never had before. They were given practical guidelines to ensure the help they offer is effective and can last the long term.
Pearl of Persia will continue to support and mentor delegates to the event and follow up with a group zoom event in a few weeks.
If you would like to help us cover the cost of this invaluable training, please donate here.
Your gift will allow us to continue to serve Iran’s victims of trauma, addiction and abuse.

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