
Chuck Crismier and Lana Silk discuss how God is moving in extraordinary ways within Iran's underground church, shedding light on the hope that is emerging in a country in desperate need of change.

Iranian children need the hope and freedom that the Gospel brings. Find out how you can make a difference.

After last week's failed peace talks between Hamas and Israel, will Iran now activate its promised retaliation against Israel? What about the implications for the Iranian people? How can we as Christians respond?

Nima battled with addiction for years. Just when he thought he was going to die, Jesus met him and rescued him. Today he is being discipled by TI's digital church followup team.

In this article, Lana talks about her childhood faith experience growing up in Iran that was starkly different than many in the West, and how as parents, we can change the narrative with our own children so that they maintain lifelong walks with Christ.

In developing new translations of God's Word, how can we ensure authenticity and that they can be received and truly understood by those it has been prepared for? In this article, Lana talks about the weight of this responsibility and the many aspects that need to be prayerfully considered.

A Muslim Teacher of the Quran brings his questions to PCC (TI's Digital Church), is led to Christ, and begins leading others to Christ

Government control of the internet means Iranians are turning to satellite TV. Hear how ministries like Transform Iran are making the most of this trend for Christ.

(part 2) Meesha commits to Christ and experiences isolation and persecution - as well as transformation, intimacy with God, and supernatural power!

In this Viral Jesus Podcast episode, Heather Thompson Day and Lana Silk discuss how we can ready ourselves for when God calls us into new seasons, the importance of intimacy with Him as a lifestyle, and lessons we can learn from Iranian Christians.

In this conversation with Lana Silk and Randy Robinson on LIFE Today Live, be encouraged by testimonies of what God is doing today in Iran – and hear some powerful prayer strategies that will fuel your faith as you partner with God's divine plan for this nation.

Transform Iran is committed to ensuring leaders and pastors are equipped to deal with all the many struggles Iranians face and to offer real, practical and effective help to those in need. Last month a group were trained in addiction counseling.

30 million people in Iran do not have the Bible in their own language. Church-centric Bible translation is fundamental to evangelism and discipleship in Iran.

Transform Iran celebrates God’s faithful work in the lives of Iranians as they look back on ministry highlights of 2023.