Muslim Bible Translator Becomes Christian Evangelist and Church Planter
“so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11
* names have been changed for protection
A new church has been planted in a previously unreached province in Iran with 20 new converts, all reached through the translation of Bible stories in their ethnic ‘heart’ language.
As Transform Iran continues to translate Bible stories and New Testaments into Iran’s ethnic languages, Muslim linguists and scholars are joining the work. The Bible is considered an important text. They love that Christians would consider their language worthy of such an important endeavor. They also recognize that a translation like this could help preserve their language. They want to help.
The Word of God is living and active – and it is drawing these translators to the Father.
In 2023, a small team began work translating 50 Bible stories into another of Iran’s ethnic languages. This people group has around 3 million speakers. There are no Scriptures in their language and no known churches.

In early 2024, two of the team were so impacted by what they were translating that they surrendered thelr lives to Jesus.
I have wonderful news to share with you. Praise God for the translation of 50 Bible stories. While working on this translation, our sister Elham* came to faith then our brother Ali came to faith. Then they both became evangelists for Christ!
Bible Translation Team Leader
The translators (who were themselves new followers of Christ) shared the newly translated Bible stories with others from their people group. They shared the gospel together with their personal testimonies. Those who read the stories and heard the gospel gave their lives to the Lord and came to faith.
Now there are around 20 people who have come to faith as a result of these stories. A small house church has been established in the same town in Iran in the home of the Bible translators who were saved through these stories.
These new believers now meet once a week. Team leaders help minister to them. Though there are not yet any Scriptures or worship songs translated into this language, the believers are doing their best to study the Word and worship together in their own language. In 2024, Transform Iran will begin translating the New Testament into this language.
We read the Word together, share together, have fellowship. With God’s grace we even try to have worship in our own language and share the Word in own language too.
The Word of God is changing lives in Iran today! Through the awesome task of translating God’s Word, Muslims are turning to Christ.
Thank you for this beautiful ministry that has given us the opportunity to become evangelists through this ministry of Bible translation for the salvation of lost lives in this particular region of Iran.
Your gift will allow us to continue to translate the Word into languages that still do not have Scriptures or established churches in Iran. Our target 22 languages will reach 30 million unreached people in Iran.

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