How Ramadan opens the door for Christ to enter

By Joanne Khmel

Iran (MNN) — Ramadan is a time of seeking answers, but the truth may come from the very Door that Islam often seeks to close.

Today marks the first day of Islamic fasting, Ramadan — a significant time for Muslims to reflect on their relationship with Allah. Lana Silk from Transform Iran explains:

There will be an increased amount of interest in Iranians and all Muslims for spiritual things, for truth, for discussions on subjects like: How do we talk to God? How do we know He heard us? What does a healthy prayer life look like?

These questions set the stage for Muslims’ hearts to seek the Light, but the journey is not always straightforward.

Many Muslims explore these questions through the lens of Islam, yet often find themselves unsatisfied. The Qu’ranic Allah rewards actions — good or bad — but His mercy remains vague. This creates an opportunity to engage with Muslims on these topics and share the certainty of Christ’s promise.

However, prejudice against Muslims can act as a barrier in reaching them. Lana Silk says: “I would love for people to understand the genuineness of most Muslims’ pursuit of God and truth. And in that process, may there be empathy and a vision tied to the Great Commission to reach them.”

The religious fervor that many Muslims exhibit toward Allah is filled with reverence and a sincere desire to please Him. “That kind of pursuit pushes people deeper and deeper into their Muslim faith,” Silk explains. “They try to pray more, study more, and be better, hoping that maybe then they’ll please God and that He will reveal Himself to them.” 

The void for a personal relationship with God leaves them yearning for more. And as they search for Him, often, it is Jesus who reveals Himself to them.

Then, years of Biblical teaching follow, gradually clearing the way for a deeper understanding of God’s loving nature, as many questions still await answers.

One of the ways Transform Iran addresses these needs is through their apologetics center. As they work to bring the love and power of Christ to Iran – and beyond – you can visit their website to learn how you can help and pray for their ministry.

Before His ascension, Jesus declared: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me” (Matt. 28:18) — and left a Great Commission for His disciples to carry out in His stead. As He declared His authority over the earth and its people, this included those who observe Ramadan. As His authority extends to Muslims, pray that many will earnestly seek the Truth and find Him, through visions, dreams — and His disciples.

Header image courtesy of Unsplash.

Inset image of Muslim women talking by RDNE Stock project, via Pexels

Originally published on: Mission Network News

Read more about Ramadan and how Christians can be engaging and praying for their Muslim neighbors

Published on
28 February 2025
How Ramadan Presents a Unique Opportunity for Evangelism: KFAX-AM

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