Training Apologists for Iran
“Always be ready to give a defense of the faith that is in you. But do this with gentleness and respect.“ 1 Peter 3:15
45 Iranian Christians (35 in person with another 10 joining in on Zoom) have just been trained in how to skillfully, respectfully and effectively share the Christian gospel with Iranian seekers who have intellectual and theological questions on faith and spirituality.
I found answers to many questions that had been on my mind. Many of the questions I had, and perhaps did not have the courage to ask, or even felt embarrassed to ask, were answered.
The seven-day training event took place in a safe location in the Middle East and included delegates from within Iran who are active in church planting, pastoral work and evangelism.
The Fall of Islam in Iran
Iranians are leaving Islam and are actively pursuing other religions. They are disillusioned and full of questions. But what are the alternatives? There are many loud competing voices trying to attract the thousands of Iranians, particularly young people, who are using media to find answers to the questions they have on life, spirituality, faith, reality, religion and more. Many are drawn by Eastern religions and mysticism. Others want to understand the differences between Islam and Christianity – could both be true? Or neither? What makes Christianity so different when Islam has already promised and failed to deliver on religious fulfilment and peace. Jesus is also appearing to many Muslims who are then coming to us with questions on what that means. Surely Jesus is just a prophet? How is it that He can offer such healing and freedom?
Tired of Religion
Evangelism to Iran is changing. The youth are leading the charge in many aspects of Iran’s shifting landscape and this is no exception. They are fed up with religion. Religion has controlled and manipulated them. It has deprived them of their freedom and fed them lies. But Iranians are an innately spiritual people and remain hungry for truth.
Iran needs trained apologists who understand the philosophy of faith, truth and rational thinking, traditional Christian ‘defense of the faith’, as well as a deep understanding of Islam and the journey Iranians are on as they look to leave Islam and seek an alternative.
Transform Iran is committed to equipping a growing number of Iranian Christian apologists who can share faith in a way that is complete and compelling and can cope with the genuine questions of seekers.

Training Apologists
In April 2024, Transform Iran was able to deliver targeted training to 35 emerging Iranian apologists.
Students grappled with complex topics and the science and art of Christian apologetics but they also received teaching on how protect and nurture their own personal spiritual health.
The lessons were incredibly practical and helpful. They have given me tools I can use every day.
The agenda focused on matters that directly impact thinking in Iran today; new foreign influences including the great influx of Eastern religions and mysticism, the relationship between politics and theology, a deep comparative understanding of Islam and Christianity; as well as looking at core skills of independent and critical thinking, clear communication, how to ask the right question and answer the questions being asked, and more. Topics included:
- Islamic history
- The foundations of Christianity
- Comparative study between Islam and Christianity
- Jesus in the Quran v Jesus in the Bible
- New influences in Iranian culture and spirituality
- Eastern religions and mysticism
- Other religions and philosophical ideologies
- Pain and suffering
- Critical thinking
- How can we know what we believe is true?
- Clear communication and how to ask the right questions
- Mental and spiritual obstacles to faith
- How to strengthen our Christian faith
At first, my expectations were like many theology classes, where we only had to learn a theology and know that believing in theology is good and great, but now I fully appreciate that if we cannot defend our theology properly, it is not useful at all. I pray that on this new path, we can take the right steps and defend our faith away from any prejudice and war, and argue with love and wisdom, and I pray that I can defend my faith in goodness from the trust you have placed in me.
Event delegate
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