How An Instagram Post Saved My Marriage
* names have been changed for protection
Ali and Elham* had heard the gospel through Elham’s family some time ago. Her family had emigrated and felt freer to share the Good News with them. They had made a commitment of sorts but had never found Christian community or any kind of pastoral oversight or support. The marriage was a mess. They argued constantly. They knew things were not right. They sought help from every source they could imagine. Things would get better for a while, then an explosion, and all that they had delicately built would come tumbling down again.
Then on November 18, Ali happened to come across a post on Instagram entitled “Goodbye”. The lady (Stella) in the video was talking about infidelity and the power and importance of saying goodbye to wrong influences and codependent relationships – and most significantly, how to walk in the future that God had prepared for them.

Ali was hooked. He made contact straight away. The post was created by Transform Iran’s ‘Pearl of Persia’ team and his contact led him to one of our trained counselors. He poured his heart out to the counselor, “My relationship has come to a point that we cannot bear it any more. We want to separate. We have lost all hope.”
My relationship has come to a point that we cannot bear it any more. We have lost all hope.
The counselor began to pour truth into Ali.
The next day, he reached back out: “You really lifted a heavy burden from my shoulders because I was thinking of divorcing my wife. I would appreciate staying in touch with you so I can learn and apply more.” Again, the counselor took the opportunity to pour godly advice into Ali’s life.
You lifted a heavy burden from my shoulders. I want to learn and apply more.

Another day passed and on November 20 Ali reached out again: “Everything was really great last night. I took your advice and implemented the solutions you’d suggested at home. The result was amazing.” Could it be that after all these years of struggle and searching the solution was as simple as one man: Jesus Christ?
Two days later, Ali’s message took on a new excitement: “I have started reading the Bible in a year.”
At each step, the Pearl of Persia counselor was there to nudge and guide Ali towards Jesus, all the while applying all the training and expertise they had learnt to help Ali bring healing to his marriage.
On November 27, Ali began to reach out with questions from the Bible: “I have a question from the Bible and I would appreciate it if you could explain it to me. With the Word of God, you have done SO much in my life and you continue pouring His kindness in my life. Since the day we talked, my world has changed. It’s like I’ve just been born! When you share God’s Word with me, I feel strong.”
I have a question about the Bible. Since the day we talked, my world has changed. It’s like I’ve just been born!
Then three days later, “My wife also needs counseling. Can she contact you?”
Within 12 days of Ali’s first contact with Pearl, his marriage was seeing significant signs of healing, he had recommitted his life to the Lord and was reading his Bible, and his wife was ready to receive godly counsel.

THIS is the power of a single anointed post placed at the right time, finding its way to the right person, led by the power of the Holy Spirit. THIS is the ministry of Pearl of Persia. To see lives restored, relationships repaired, trauma healed, addiction broken, and hopelessness turn to despair.
Ali and Elham are now taking step after step deeper into the Word, and into real relationship with Jesus – and closer and closer towards a fully restored marriage. As they show signs of courage for more, we are there to offer a digital church network and an apologetics center which will further connect them to the Body of Christ and answer the many questions they have about the Bible and Truth.
This is the power of a network of ministries working seamlessly together to ensure every seed is nurtured and protected as it takes root in good soil and grows to be a thriving fruitful plant in its own right.
You can support the work of Pearl of Persia by donating here.
Your gift will allow us to continue to create content that connects with the lost and hurting and provide trained counselors who will help the broken find their way to Jesus and to healing.

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