Supernatural Encounter with Jesus Saves Addict from Death
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10
Nima (name changed) battled with severe addiction for many years, using all kinds of drugs. He had reached a point where he felt he was at the end of the line. He had tried many times to quit but was unsuccessful and had come to the conclusion that he would die with this pain. He began to consider ending his own life. For one last attempt at freedom, he decided to go to Turkey to change his environment and took no drugs with him, though he did take many pills and medications.
One night, his withdrawal symptoms were so bad that he felt like he was dying from the pain he was experiencing. He began to cry out,
God, come help me, I’m tired and can’t bear it anymore.
He doesn’t recall if he fell asleep and began dreaming after this or if it was a vision but he remembers someone coming to him and saying,
I have come to help you, get up and stand.
Jesus Appears and Physically Lifts Addict Out of His Pain
It was incredibly clear and vivid. Through tears he replied that he did not have enough strength to stand. The man introduced himself as Jesus Christ, bent down, took his hands, and lifted him up. As soon as he stood up, he felt darkness, pain, and something like deep heavy sludge pouring out from the top of his head and out through his feet, and then he felt very light.
The next day, when he woke up, he felt as if he had never used drugs. He didn’t even take the pills he had brought with him. From that moment on, he has been free and without any pain.
When he shares his story with people in NA (Narcotics Anonymous), they can’t believe how it was possible for a man as bound up in addiction as him to walk so freely and with no aftereffects. He recalls that when he was using, his addiction was so severe that if it was possible, he would make a cologne from the drugs to spray everywhere (on his clothes, throughout his home and car) so that the smell would be constantly everywhere around him. Now, if he even smells it from afar, he feels nauseous. God has totally uprooted any desire or addiction out of him.
Supernatural Conversion Leads to PCC Digital Church
Nima began to seek Christian community. He found Persian Community Church (Transform Iran’s digital church network). Here he began joining in Christian meetings, learning to pray, learning about the Bible, and worshipping with other believers. He connected with a pastor from our followup team.
Today, Nima has committed to following Jesus, is in discipleship with our follow up team, and is an active member of Persian Community Church.
I am a tool in God’s hands. I want to serve Him and help others who are struggling with addiction like I was.

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