Can you help raise leaders that will transform Iran?: Mission Network News
by Katey Hearth
Iran (MNN) — When planted in fertile soil, seeds cannot help but grow and produce. What’s true in agriculture is true in spiritual matters as well.
Behdin and Sanaz are perfect examples. “Their story is a story of fruitfulness right from the beginning,” Transform Iran’s Lana Silk says.
Nine years ago, the Iranian couple was on vacation in Türkiye. “One of our evangelists shared the Gospel with this couple, and right there on the street, they gave their lives to the Lord,” Silk says.
They came alive with Jesus in their hearts; they began sharing the Gospel with their friends [and] relatives. Whole families started turning to Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Behdin and Sanaz immediately put their faith into action. “In the first year, they opened their home for meetings,” Silk says.
“The church grew quickly and has grown ever since.”
These believers soon encountered “fruitfulness” in other arenas, too. Silk says, “Sanaz had major issues with infertility for many years. [Then,] they conceived on the same day they committed their lives to Jesus!”

Read Behdin and Sanaz’s full story here.
Transform Iran needs your help to train 100 more leaders like Behdin and Sanaz. See how and why Transform Iran began training leaders.
“Jesus said Himself, ‘The harvest is great, but the workers are few,’” Silk says.
“There’s so much we need to do in making sure people who come to know Jesus learn what it looks like to follow Him.”
Even $20 can make a difference. Help Transform Iran disciple and equip 100 leaders here.
Most importantly, pray. “Let’s keep praying that this incredible moment in history with Iran continues while we gather in the harvest,” Silk suggests.
“Pray for many more to be saved, to encounter Jesus in their dreams. Pray that leaders are raised up [who] can look after this growing church.”
Originally posted on: Mission Network News.

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