Re-envisioned children’s TV show to reach the next generation in Iran: Mission Network News
By Katie O’Malley
Iran (MNN) — Children hold the key to Iran’s future, but they’re growing up in a world marked by oppression, poverty, war, and a mounting mental health crisis.
To offer hope, Transform Iran has brought a beloved character to life in a new and meaningful way. Enter Chonke, an animated character with a gospel-centered mission.
Lana Silk from Transform Iran explains how this initiative was born: “We’re privileged to work with a talented woman who once voiced a famous puppet in Iran called ‘Chera,’ which means ‘why.’ She helped us create a new character, ‘Chonke,’ which means ‘because.’ Now, Chonke provides answers to children’s biggest questions.”
In 2014, Transform Iran produced pilot episodes with Chonke, but funding challenges brought the project to a halt. Now, they’re gearing up to relaunch the series, with an even greater vision.
We’re considering how we can help educate the children of Iran on these issues that we talked about; identity, truth, God. How does God relate to us, how do we relate to God? How should I treat the other kids in my class? It’s some basic things that are steeped in Christian teaching.

Transform Iran believes programs like this one with Chonke can plant seeds of faith in the hearts of a generation that will shape the nation’s future.
Silk says children face hard realities in Iran.
A lot of kids in Iran are struggling: their parents can’t work. Their parents might have addiction, depression, or their moms might have to prostitute themselves to feed them. We want to equip them to be able to cope with what life is throwing at them.
You can make a difference for kids in Iran with Transform Iran this Christmas. Learn more here.
Silk says: “Get envisioned for what it is to reach a new generation, a fresh future for Iran.”
Header photo of children in West Azerbaijan Province, Iran (Representative stock photo courtesy of Amin Alavi via Unsplash)
Originally published on: Mission Network News
Read more about the challenges that Iranian children face today
Read more about the ways we are reaching the children of Iran

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