February Earthquakes Open Muslim Turks to the Gospel: Mission Network News
by Katey Hearth
Türkiye (MNN) — Saturday marked three months since historic earthquakes devastated southern Türkiye and northern Syria. See our coverage of the disaster here.
“Some two million dislocated Turks have no homes, their jobs are either gone or under threat, [and] roads and bridges are damaged,” Transform Iran’s Lana Silk says.
Mountains of rubble and shipping container cities are the new norms in Türkiye. Water scarcity and the coming summer heat raise serious concerns.
Simply surviving another day is challenging for Muslim Turks and Christian refugees alike. The disaster placed these communities on equal footing and gave believers a new Gospel opportunity.
In the past, “there has been some experience of persecution by the Iranian Christian refugee community at the hands of Muslim Turks,” Silk says.
It’s so wonderful to turn to them in love now in their hour of need and say, ‘It doesn’t matter what our life has been like here before. You are in need, and it’s our joy to help you.’
Iranian Christian refugees praise God for these “open doors.” However, challenges remain. A recent ministry update explains:
We have some significant security concerns right now, with refugees being deported back to Iran from Turkey. They face real danger in Iran. Pray for the legal work required to stop the deportations, favor with authorities, a clear path ahead, and safety for those at risk. The emotional and personal impact on these families is huge. Pray for peace in uncertainty.
Along with prayer, consider supporting Transform Iran’s earthquake relief efforts.
“We are in a privileged position as a registered charity with favor [from] the governor, who wants to work with us to restore this whole community,” Silk says.
“The work is long-term, and we need as much financial help as possible.”
Header image courtesy of Horizons International.
Originally posted on: Mission Network News.

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