
Two threats to Iranian Christians in Türkiye: Mission Network News
27 July 2023
Life for Christian refugees in Turkey can be very difficult - read more here

Tot geloof gekomen Iraniërs vinden het moeilijk om hun geloof te verbergen: cvandaag
5 July 2023
Read Mariette's passionate personal account of meeting women at a secret leadership development training event in the Middle East in this Dutch article

February Earthquakes Open Muslim Turks to the Gospel: Mission Network News
9 May 2023
How Transform Iran brought the practical love of Christ to Muslim neighbors

Practical Aid to Earthquake Victims
22 March 2023
Thousands of people have lost their lives and hundreds of thousands left homeless following the February earthquakes in Turkey. Transform Iran and its affiliated churches started actively serving earthquake victims…

Needs Multiply Following Flooding in Türkiye Quake Zones: Mission Network News
20 March 2023
The hits keep coming to Turkey. Transform Iran is there to help.