Jesus Invades Iran: Save America Ministries

In this interview with attorney and author, Chuck Crismier, Lana Silk reveals how God is working in powerful and unexpected ways within the underground church in Iran. In a country where Christianity is illegal and believers face severe risks, Lana shares how the gospel is reaching thousands through media and specially designed discipleship programs. Hear inspiring stories of transformation and learn how you can support the mission to bring hope to a nation in desperate need.

Transforming Iran: Digital Ministry in the Midst of Persecution

In a country where evangelism is illegal and speaking about Christianity can lead to imprisonment, torture, or even death, Iran’s underground church continues to grow. The barriers of a deeply Islamic state seem insurmountable, but despite these challenges, a quiet revolution is taking place – one powered by digital platforms and bold faith.

Lana Silk, CEO-USA of Transform Iran, is part of this incredible movement. The organization’s mission is to bring the gospel to Iran despite the severe opposition, leveraging technology to reach millions of Iranians through platforms like satellite TV, encrypted messaging apps, and social media. “We are living in a digital age, and there is so much that can be done to spread the gospel,” Lana shares. “Through satellite TV, radio, social media, and websites, we are able to lob the gospel over the walls that Islam has put in place.”

Despite the government’s relentless censorship and surveillance efforts, God is using these digital tools to tear down barriers. Through encrypted messaging apps, satellite broadcasts, and social media platforms, Transform Iran reaches tens of thousands of Iranians each month, offering Bible teachings, mentorship programs, and a safe space for worship and connection.

Boldly Sharing the Gospel Despite the Risk

For Christians in Iran, sharing the gospel is not a simple act of faith – it’s an act of extraordinary courage. The consequences for speaking out about Jesus Christ can be severe, but the ministry of Transform Iran persists, finding new ways to work around the risks. Lana explains:

Technology has become a lifeline for the Iranian church. It allows us to share the gospel, provide resources for discipleship, and create a vibrant Christian community, all while staying one step ahead of government surveillance.

Lana’s father, Lazarus Yeghnazar, founded Transform Iran with a vision to equip and strengthen the underground church. He often emphasized the essential cost of discipleship:

The Christian gospel is supposed to cost us something. It is supposed to be offensive. Jesus was. So if there’s nobody that is offended by my faith, then I’m doing something wrong. Our faith is countercultural. It unearths things in people that they sometimes don’t want to have unearthed.

This deep conviction drives Transform Iran’s work, focusing not just on evangelism, but on the discipleship of believers who face persecution.

Reaching the Persecuted Church with Hope and Discipleship

Transform Iran is not just about spreading the message of Christ; it’s about creating disciples who are equipped to stand firm in their faith, no matter the cost. The ministry’s mission extends far beyond evangelism – it focuses on offering long-term discipleship, mentorship, and spiritual growth to believers who live under constant threat. These efforts include one-on-one mentorship and deep discipleship training, with a focus on nurturing believers for the long haul. Lana explains:

Our goal isn’t just to share the gospel; it’s to create disciples who are not only equipped to stand firm in their faith but are also empowered to share that faith with others, even in the most hostile environments. In the face of persecution, we want to help Christians not just survive, but thrive. Our aim is to help them develop a strong and unshakable faith, one that allows them to reach others in the midst of danger.

One of the most exciting developments in this ministry is the Digital Church Network, a platform that connects over 20,000 Iranians every month to Christian community. These digital tools allow individuals to hear the message of Christ and engage with fellow believers in safe, private environments. “We provide access to live church services through satellite TV and Zoom meetings,” Lana explains. “This gives people the opportunity to worship together, hear the Word preached, and even take communion – sometimes, right there on their devices.”

The ministry offers a range of virtual options for engagement, from watching recorded services in privacy to participating in live, interactive meetings. “If someone feels unsafe, they can watch a rerun of a church service on social media,” says Lana. “But if they want to connect more deeply, they can join live meetings where they can pray, worship, and hear a message in real-time.”

For those who are ready to take the next step in their faith journey, the ministry offers a more personal connection. “We invite new believers to a one-on-one relationship with a pastor or counselor,” says Lana. “We call them regularly, pray with them, and help them grow in their faith over a year-long discipleship journey.”

The Role of Dreams and Visions in Conversions to Christianity

Interestingly, the ministry has also witnessed an increasing number of Iranians coming to Christ through dreams and visions, a phenomenon that Lana attributes to God’s supernatural work in a closed nation. “God is giving visions and dreams to many Iranians, guiding them toward the truth of the gospel,” she shares. This unique approach is not only a bridge for introducing people to Christianity but also a powerful tool in nurturing their faith.

Lana underscores that while dreams and visions draw people to Christ, they are just the beginning. “We want to make sure that people are not depending on dreams and visions alone,” she says. “Those are just the starting point to ignite their interest. We focus on grounding them in the full gospel.”

Salvation belongs to God ultimately; the Holy Spirit will draw them to salvation. But we must do our part. Evangelism is about partnering with God.

This partnership with God is something the ministry sees as central to its mission.

More about Muslims encountering Jesus in their dreams

The Growth of the Church in an Unlikely Place

Despite the immense risks, the church in Iran continues to grow. From an estimated 100,000 Christians a decade ago, the number of believers has now skyrocketed to an estimated 3 million. Lana acknowledges that this rapid growth is both a miracle and a challenge. She reflects:

Many Christians in Iran are risking their lives to follow Jesus. There’s a lot of fear, but there’s also a lot of courage. The persecution doesn’t stop them from sharing their faith. In fact, it often strengthens their resolve.

Transform Iran’s efforts are crucial in helping believers stay connected to a larger Christian community and empowering them to grow in their faith, even in the face of such immense danger.

Overcoming the Walls of Islam

Iran has erected many walls around the message of Christianity – walls that include strict government censorship and a culture that deeply opposes non-Islamic beliefs. But the rise of digital tools has allowed believers to bypass these obstacles. Through satellite TV, encrypted messaging apps, and social media, the Gospel is being shared far and wide, reaching people who may have never encountered it otherwise.

“Iranians are seeking an alternative message, and we have to be ready to offer them Christ,” Lana says.

We are fighting against a deeply entrenched system, but God is using technology to spread His word in ways that were once unimaginable.

These digital platforms have become essential in Iran’s underground church. For many, this isn’t just an introduction to Christianity – it’s a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ.

It’s amazing to see how God is working. We are getting testimonies from Iranians who have come to Christ through these platforms. It’s proof that God is at work, even in the darkest of places.

A Global Call for Support

While Transform Iran is reaching tens of thousands in Iran, the ministry’s work depends on the global body of Christ to continue. “The support we receive from believers around the world is critical,” Lana emphasizes. “It’s not just about providing financial support, but prayer and advocacy. We need the global church to stand with us in prayer and in action.”

The ministry encourages those interested to get involved by visiting, where they can donate, pray, and learn more about how to support the mission.

It’s crucial for the global church to understand the importance of this work and to be part of what God is doing in Iran.

A Call to Reflection: The Cost of Discipleship

Lana’s work and perspective serve as a reminder to Christians living in more free nations. As believers in the West enjoy religious freedom, Lana’s words challenge us to reflect on the nature of true discipleship:

We can never take our freedom for granted. Faith that doesn’t cost us anything isn’t the real thing. In Iran, we’re seeing a church that’s truly paying the price to follow Jesus.

The Future of the Church in the West

Lana also speaks to a broader issue: the potential challenges the church in the West might face in the future. She warns that the future could bring harder days for Christians in the West, but she encourages believers to remain focused on their relationship with Jesus rather than the external circumstances.

The day might come when we, too, have to meet in secret. But if we are truly focused on our relationship with Jesus, we will be prepared for whatever comes.

She concludes with a thought-provoking insight about the early church, which grew through organic relationships and house meetings, much like what is happening in Iran today.

That’s how the church was built in the beginning, and we’re seeing it happen again today in Iran.


The work of Transform Iran is nothing short of extraordinary. Through innovative digital platforms and a courageous underground church, the Gospel is reaching millions of Iranians in a land where it is illegal to share the message of Jesus. Despite the risks, believers are standing firm in their faith, and the church is growing, even in the darkest places.

Through technology, discipleship, and a global network of support, Transform Iran continues to make a powerful impact in the lives of Iranians who are hungry for the truth. As Lana says:

It’s not about us or how many people we can count. It’s about being faithful to God’s call and trusting Him with the results.

This mission to bring the Gospel to Iran is a testament to God’s power to overcome even the greatest of obstacles – and to the incredible faith and resilience of the Iranian church.

Radio interview originally posted on: OnePlace

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Funds go directly to ensuring the gospel is preached, converts are rooted in the Word, and leaders are raised that will bring the transforming love of Christ to Iran – and beyond.