Prayer paves the way for transformation in Iran: Mission Network News
by Katey Hearth
Iran (MNN) — Usually, Iran makes the headlines because something terrible is underway; the regime is persecuting Christians or cracking down on human rights. Yet the primary focus of today’s story is how your prayers make a tangible difference.
“God is doing incredible things in Iran, but that is because men and women of God have been on their knees praying,” Transform Iran’s Lana Silk says.
[They] have done the spiritual battling, and now we’re seeing the fruit.
Transform Iran seeks Gospel growth in every avenue of Iranian life, from spiritual transformation to humanitarian aid. More about that here.
“Our heart is to enable the body of Christ to engage with what God is doing in Iran,” Silk says.
God has changed and is changing countless lives through this ministry. While planning and strategic development are crucial components of any Gospel-focused endeavor, they are not the key to Transform Iran’s success.
Following Christ’s instructions in John 15:1-8, Gospel workers fully rely upon the Lord to provide supernatural transformation; believers are merely branches connecting fruit to the life-giving vine.
“The minute we try to get clever about it all and businesslike and strategic and take out the spiritual element, then we’re in trouble,” Silk says.
If we want to continue to see this kind of fruit, then we must stay on our knees and pray.
If the Lord has placed Iran and its people on your heart, connect with Transform Iran.
You can find time-sensitive prayer needs by subscribing to Transform Iran’s monthly newsletter. Or, if you’d like to pray generally for Iran, visit this page.
“Sometimes we think we must get our hands dirty to do something [for God]. But we must remember that we are doing something when we’re on our knees – prayer is vital!” Silk says.
“Just like Moses in battle – when he’s getting weary, his brothers are there holding his arms up so that he can stay doing what he needs to be doing. That’s the picture I have in my mind,” she continues.
You are holding our arms up as you pray for us. So please do.
Originally posted on: Mission Network News.

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