
My name is Maryam (all names changed for security reasons) and I serve as the coordinator and leader of the children’s outreach in our town in a country near Iran.

Iranian children need the hope and freedom that the Gospel brings. Find out how you can make a difference.

Children in Iran face unimaginably harsh realities. Transform Iran's new programs aim to plant seeds of faith in a generation that will shape the nation's future. Learn how you can help the children of Iran this Christmas.

Learn about the increasing trade in children's organs. Raise awareness, advocate for justice, and pray!

Many children in Iran endure unimaginable hardships - circumstances no child should have to face. Moreover, Iranian Christian children and refugees experience daily persecution. Discover how you can help us make a lasting impact in their lives.

Children are not exempt from the pain that the people of Iran are suffering today. Find out about the challenges they face and how you can help them find hope.

While the Iranian regime seeks to mold and shape the next generation with Islamic propaganda in schools, Transform Iran is actively investing to reach Iranian children in multiple ways with the Gospel.

In this article, Lana talks about her childhood faith experience growing up in Iran that was starkly different than many in the West, and how as parents, we can change the narrative with our own children so that they maintain lifelong walks with Christ.

A young Muslim girls finds Christ after years of trauma, as she actively pursues Allah

Operation Christmas Joy showed me with real Christian joy and community looked like. Now today I want to help others like me.

The latest on Iran’s brutal tactics to control the people.

In Iran, over a million children work on the streets to support their families, enduring violence, exploitation, and severe emotional and physical burdens. Learn how you can offer these children hope and a chance to break free from their harsh realities.

In Iran, child prostitution, underage marriages, and addiction are critical issues, especially for vulnerable girls. Transform Iran's Pearl of Persia ministry is offering hope and healing to trauma survivors, but additional support is essential to meet this urgent need.