One Becomes Many
Not only does your donation help us raise nation-changing leaders, but it also helps us provide tools for evangelism, infrastructure for followup and discipleship, funding for outreach missions and resources for church planting throughout the year.
We invite you to join us in this mission!
Each year, Transform Iran evangelists share the gospel with millions using digital media, and thousands in person. Iranians are eager to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and many turn to follow Him as Lord and Savior. However, our goal as a church planting ministry is not an impressive list of converts. Our goal is disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), and disciples who are fruitful!
According to Psalm 1:3, trees that are planted a by streams of water yield fruit in season. Jesus himself reminded us that seed planted in good soil will produce a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown! (Matthew 13:8).
This is the story of Behdin and Sanaz—a young couple who heard the gospel through Transform Iran evangelists and responded in faith. They were planted in good soil and they have been fruitful ever since.
Over the last 9 years they have (in person) shared the gospel with more than 370 people, led more than 70 Muslims to the Lord, baptized 58, and discipled many more into fruitful ministry. By God’s grace, they have established 2 churches in Turkey and 2 in Iran and have supported other church plants. The ripple effects continue as those they have led to the Lord have now shared the gospel with hundreds more and have led dozens to know Christ. In this time Behdin and Sanaz have seen 145 emerging leaders trained in evangelism and church planting.
Your investment in Transform Iran enables us to develop leaders like Behdin and Sanaz, release them to serve as pastors and evangelists, send them on outreach missions, and invest in effective discipleship and followup programs, and see hundreds more added to the body, discipled and released into fruitful ministry.
Thank you for helping multiply their impact as they serve the Lord amongst the people of Iran.

The last nine years in highlights:
- 2014: Behdin and Sanaz hear the gospel through Transform Iran pastors in and accept it. They open their home for Christian meetings. God heals them from years of infertility; Sanaz conceives on the same day they commit to Jesus!
- 2015: First converts are some of Behdin’s relatives – a whole family! The church grows to 12. They travel to another town for evangelism and share the gospel with 40 Iranians. They host a discipleship training event for 10.
- 2016: They begin daily prayer for their city. 100 hear the gospel. 22 are saved. 4 are baptized. The church grows to 34 and has to move to rented facilities. 42 are trained in two discipleship events.
- 2017: They plant a church in a new city and continue to travel to other cities for outreach. 80 hear the gospel. Some of Sanaz’s relatives are saved. A drug addict is healed.
- 2018: Behdin begins serving full time as a pastor and evangelist. He also begins remote followup ministry for new converts in Iran. As a result, 5 house churches are planted in Iran. 50 more hear the gospel, 2 are saved, and 8 are baptized including 2 from the underground church. A new church is planted and quickly outgrows the house. Early fruits of multiplication come through the witness of those they have previously led to the Lord. More of Sanaz’s relatives are saved.
- 2019: They plant a church in a new city. 11 are saved. 20 are baptized including 9 from the underground church. They see more miraculous healings and deliverance.
- 2020-21: 50 individuals + 15 families hear the gospel. 10 are saved. 4 are baptized. They see more miracles. Behdin’s (Muslim) relative is miraculously healed of a life-threatening illness. He and his wife give their lives to the Lord. They are baptized and discipled by Behdin.
- 2022: 50 hear the gospel. 8 are saved. 14 are baptized, including 4 from the house churches in Iran. 6 receive miraculous physical healings. A young leader they have been discipling takes over the leadership of the first church they planted and 15 more hear the gospel. They host a conference for a group of Afghans who have been impacted by the gospel through someone they had previously led to the Lord.
- 2023: Behdin trains a team of 6 in evangelism and church planting. Another 30 are trained in evangelism training events. They go to different towns across Turkey on mission. 11 are saved. 8 are baptized. 6 miraculous healings/deliverances. One of his disciples returns to Iran and sees their whole family saved (7 adults).
Total over nine years: 370+ heard the gospel, 70 Muslims turned to Christ, 58 Muslim Background Believers baptized, 145 leaders trained, 4 churches planted. One became many.

Behdin and Sanaz are developed as fruitful leaders through the ministry of Transform Iran. They themselves participate in a minimum of two weeks leadership development each year. So far, that is 18+ weeks of training through Transform Iran!

What can you do?
Pray for those who are responding to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pray for protection over their hearts and minds, and for them to be planted in churches who will nurture and disciple them. Pray for their witness as they share their newfound faith and freedom with family and friends. Pray that many more will turn to Christ.
Will you sow into raising leaders that will transform a nation?
Your gift will allow us to continue to develop young leaders as they impact the world around them with the message of hope. You can donate via our website.

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