Powerful Prayers for the Middle East with Lana Silk: Praying Christian Women Podcast
The show that brings Christian women from all backgrounds together as award-winning authors Alana Terry and Jaime Hampton discuss what it means to be a woman of prayer in the 21st century.
Sunday November 5th is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. We could think of no better person to talk to than our guest this week, Lana Silk. Lana is the CEO of Transform Iran, a ministry to help Christians and the Underground Church in Iran.
We talk with Lana about what it was like for her to grow up in Iran, the civil rights challenges that face women and girls there today, and how the conflict in Israel is directly impacting Christians in Iran and in other parts of the Middle East.
She reveals some powerful ways we can be praying for the persecuted church in Iran, as well as for the conflict in Israel. We’d love for you to join us today!
You can connect with Lana and find out more about Transform Iran at TransformIran.com.
Originally aired on Praying Christian Women.

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