Divine Encounters: Iranians in Turkey Find Hope in Christ

Over Nowruz 2025, a small team of four evangelists was led by the Holy Spirit to share the gospel with Iranian tourists in Turkey. This is their testimony.

Every day we began with prayer and the Lord showed us supernaturally what to expect. One day He showed my sister an image of people who would confess their faith.

Miraculous Healings and New Faith in Christ

We shared the message of Christ in person with 304 people over five days. Several experienced miraculous healings. Several more made immediate confessions of faith.

All those who heard the gospel offered contact details for follow up and discipleship afterwards. They want to hear more. God is not finished with their stories!

The hunger was everywhere – as was the brokenness and the great need for hope.

Jesus Heals Broken Hearted Atheist ex-Muslim Woman

One lady spoke of her broken marriages and broken relationships. When we told her that Jesus Christ is the living God, she said, “I am tired. I lived within Islam. It is all lies and hypocrisy. You are your own god, and you just have to live well.” She was overwhelmed with pain and rejection. Every word she spoke was filled with sorrow and brought her to tears.

She was also suffering from severe back and shoulder pain, so we prayed for her, and she was healed. God began to heal her broken heart too. At the end of our conversation this woman who had been rejected by countless men and had herself chosen to reject all religion, wanted to surrender her heart to Jesus Christ! Right there, she confessed her faith.

Holy Spirit Unveils Eyes

One woman from Rasht had several Christian friends and had been told about the Lord Jesus many times before, but she had never accepted Him. She asked us to speak with her about Christ. As we shared, God unveiled her eyes and right there in a shopping center, she gave her heart to the Lord and surrendered to Him.

Miraculous Provision of Bible to Iranian Seekers

The Lord led us to speak to a man who had been searching for a Bible for a long time. He had even gone to bookstores in Iran to buy one, but they told him to never ask about this book again. When we spoke to him and gave him a Bible, he was overcome with emotion.

Another young man, who we met two days later, told us, “In Iran, I went to bookstores looking for a Bible, but they told me, ‘Are you tired of life? Run away and never ask for this book again!'” He was overjoyed to receive it from us and said, “What a precious gift you have given me! This is the greatest gift I have ever received in my life!”

Another day, two young men were sitting on a bench. We approached them to share the gospel. They were eager to hear. One of them said, “I really want to listen, I am in no hurry.” We gave them our gifts (with Christian teachings and resources) and Bibles. Immediately they wanted to know more: “This is not a coincidence. I have been searching for a Bible for a long time. Thank God you came – I know this is God’s will.”

While we were talking, their family also arrived, joined the conversation, and exchanged phone numbers with us so they could hear more.

Read more about our follow-up ministry

Holy Spirit Guides Seekers to Evangelists

More than once the Holy Spirit led seekers straight to us! On the first day a small family from Shiraz approached us and asked about Christianity. We prayed for the mother, who had knee pain, and she was healed.

Another day while we were resting, an elderly group of relatives from northwest Iran came up to us and said, “It felt as if someone told us to come to you.” They eagerly accepted the gifts we offered and started talking to us. We asked if they had any prayer requests, their pain poured out, “My child is in prison – please pray for him.”, “My sons have both been divorced and never want to marry again – please pray for them”, “My husband has married a 25-year-old woman in a temporary marriage (Sighe) and completely ignores me now. Please pray!”

Their entire family want to stay in touch and learn more about the hope that we carry in Jesus Christ. Out of this encounter we have already led one person to Christ.

“This Man Offers Hope!”

We met a couple, gave them our gifts and started talking to them. When I gave him the Bible, the husband said, “What an amazing gift! This is the Word of God!”

I asked if I could explain its meaning to them. After my explanation, he became very interested and wanted to listen to the audio Bible. His wife then started asking questions about politics and war. He immediately responded, “He’s sharing such beautiful words and giving us hope, and you’re asking about war?!” Then, he asked me to pray for them, and he accepted the message in faith.

Read about how we answer the questions of tens of thousands of Iranian seekers each month

Iranians are Hungry for Jesus

When we speak to our Iranian brothers and sisters, they recognize the hope that we carry and they are incredibly happy and eager to listen.

Some had never heard about the Bible before and received it as if receiving the greatest treasure they have had.

Praise God for the stamina to share Jesus with so many in just a handful of days. Every person we shared the gospel with gave us their phone number and wanted to continue the conversation upon their return to Iran. We expect that the majority will turn to Christ and not only them, their families back in Iran too.

Praise God for the openness amongst Iranians for the gospel of Jesus Christ – the gospel of hope and life!

Read more about our discipleship ministry

Published on
26 March 2025
How The Name of Jesus Changed Grace’s Story A Forgiven Muslim Girl Discovers Her Worth In Christ

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