Go And Make Disciples
The Church is growing and Transform Iran is committed to discipling converts in order to ensure their faith is deeply rooted in the Word of God. Our trained ‘follow up’ team walks new believers through a year-long program, making sure they understand the basics of Christian doctrine, are equipped to evangelize, and supported as they plant new churches in their homes.
Transform Iran’s discipleship model is built on 2 Timothy 2:2 – “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others”. Disciples making disciples making disciples; leaders raising leaders raising leaders. Each maturing and passing what they have learnt on to others.
Transform Iran is committed to providing the necessary resources and tools to support effective discipleship and leadership development – These include Bibles, worship, prayer and devotional materials, Bible study tools, 1:1 mentoring, trauma counseling, strategic training events and more.

How Transform Iran Ensures Iranian Converts Are Discipled
Follow up: 1:1 Discipleship for All Iranian Converts
The follow up team underpins almost every area of ministry at Transform Iran. The trained team of counselors respond 1:1 to email, social media and telephone communications from Iran, answering questions, leading seekers to salvation, discipling new believers and planting house churches in their homes. For those who are willing, the team offer a year-long, weekly discipleship program that walks converts through all the basics of Christian doctrine, answers their questions as they grow in faith, trains them in evangelism, and equips them to lead house churches in their homes.
Training Events: The Power of In-Person Leadership Development
Events are a key step in our discipleship program. These training and equipping events build up, support and grow the underground church in Iran. Delegates are invited to gather, learn, be edified, refueled and refreshed before returning to the mission field with renewed fervor and fire. For many this will be the first time they have gathered in such numbers or worshipped so freely. For others it will be a first opportunity for public baptism. They are certainly an essential part of the journey of supporting and developing young converts into powerful leaders. Transform Iran runs these events in secure locations in the Middle East. Thousands have been trained and discipled in this way.
The Necessity of Heart Language Bible Translations
Some 26 million Iranians do not have the Word of God in their own ‘heart’ language. Transform Iran is busy addressing this Bible poverty so that converts in Iran’s ethnic groups can read and study the Word of God in their heart language, ensuring easier understanding and deeper connection. New churches in ethnic communities also benefit from these translations, supporting discipleship, teaching, prayer and worship in the heart languages of each ethnic group. This creates stronger, longer lasting churches that make a real impact on their communities. Read more about our Bible translation.
Harnessing Media to Help Grow Believers In their Faith
We broadcast live and pre-recorded discipleship teaching through satellite TV, radio and social media. Millions have heard our Bible-based teachings through Transform Iran’s media ministries.
Using Apologetics to Strengthen Believers
‘Porpasokh’ means ‘Question & Answer’ and that is the heart of our apologetics center. Transform Iran’s Porpasokh site draws tens of thousands of visitors each month and engages directly with the questions of those still trying to understand certain aspects of faith and theology. Answers are published on the site for others to benefit. To date more than 5,900 answers have been published and many have been strengthened in their faith as a result. Read more here.
Freedom in Christ: A Contextualized Tool for the Iranian Church
We partnered with the wonderful authors of the Freedom in Christ course, translated the material to Farsi, and adapted and expanded it for an Iranian audience. This is a critical Bible-based discipleship and deliverance tool for Christians, ensuring churches grow healthy through personal breakthrough, freedom and fruitfulness for believers. To date, more than 1,600 have completed it.
Deliverance for Victims of Trauma, Abuse and Addiction
Transform Iran’s Pearl of Persia ministry works specifically with survivors of trauma, abuse and addiction, providing specialist counseling and discipleship as they find complete healing and freedom from their past, discover their true identity in Christ, and are released to pursue the fulness of their calling.
Digital Church and Church Planting in Iran
Discipleship is relational. Jesus discipled twelve, through intentional, long-term relationship. Transform Iran’s many churches are built on a model of discipleship and constant growth. For the scattered, isolated and at-risk, we offer a digital church. Persian Community Church gathers thousands of Farsi(Persian)-speaking Christians from all over Iran and around the world and builds an interactive community where they can pray, worship, learn and grow together. We are currently in the process of expanding this offering to the heart languages of Iran. Read more about how we build ‘physical’ churches and ‘digital church’.
Bible College: Training Iranian Believers in Christian Theology
For those ready to dive deeper, we offer a free online Bible course in Farsi. Our online Bible College (with almost 1,000 active registered students) removes the cost barriers to such in-depth study of the Word, and offers clear, well-prepared theological lessons, scaling in depth, to help Farsi speaking Christians mature in their faith and equip them for ministry.
Publications and Printed Resources for a Growing Church
Transform Iran protects the doctrinal integrity of the Church in Iran by providing a wide range of Bible-based discipleship resources (printed and digital) through its publishing house, 222 Publications. 222 Publications identifies gaps in printed and digital media for the Farsi speaking church and publishes the materials needed to meet those gaps for a growing global church. 222 Publications does this as close to cost price as possible in order to ensure maximum accessibility of these resources for those who need them.
My name is Shiva and I am an Iranian medical student studying abroad. One day because of depression and anxiety, during a break, I was outside the hospital and I was crying. Two students from India came and invited me to church with them. I went and I loved the atmosphere but as they were worshipping, I said, I wish I would be able to worship in Farsi. I had not yet committed my life to Christ. I searched on the internet and I found Transform Iran’s Persian Community Church.
When I reached out to them, they connected me to a pastor who talked to me and answered my questions. I committed my life to Christ. I was full of joy. Through Persian Community Church I participated in the Meeting Tent prayer meetings. Meanwhile I was being discipled by the same pastor who led me to the Lord (remotely). As my faith grew, Transform Iran’s follow up continued to meet with me regularly and disciple me. This journey led me to enroll in the Bible College where I am studying now. By the way I had the opportunity to travel to Iran. I shared with my sister. She wanted to meet the pastor who had been discipling me. We made contact and he led her to the Lord too!

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