Digital Church
The Need For A Digital Church
The vision of the digital church is not a replacement for ‘in person’ community. However, it can be an easier anonymous first step for seekers and new believers in Iran, and at times a necessity for those who are physically unable to attend meetings in person (geographical or linguistic limitations or even threat to life).
How Does Digital Church Work?
Birthed in April 2018, Persian Community Church (PCC) provides family, community and fellowship for isolated Iranian Christians, and a means for them to grow in their faith and be equipped and envisioned to reach others for Christ. Meetings are interactive, and participants are encouraged to join in worship and prayer, as well as take part in discussions.
PCC also looks ahead to when the doors are open for Iran where the Church across the nation will be able to connect and be edified as we help the needy and draw hundreds of thousands more to the love of Christ. PCC connects more than 20,000 believers and seekers each month.
Interactive Prayer Through Digital Church
In 2020, Transform Iran launched the Meeting Tent, PCC’s (digital) prayer rooms. Meeting Tent is open every day (except Sunday) for 4 hours a day. Throughout the year, Meeting Tent also hosts concentrated times of prayer and fasting, for several days at a time, or even several weeks.
In October 2022 with Iran in turmoil following the death of Mahsa Amini, Meeting Tent hosted 2 weeks of prayer and fasting followed by a full day of focused intercession for Iran. Testimonies of answered prayers, salvations and healings are commonplace. Thousands gather each month. Meeting Tent builds community and faith and to see the move of God in Iran grow, by providing easy and free access to corporate prayer for Iranian Christians and seekers around the world, in several of Iran’s heart languages, and with plans to expand to more.
Digital Church In Heart Languages Of Unreached People Groups
Transform Iran is committed to planting churches in all the heart languages of Iran and a digital church platform is a strategic way to begin gathering widely scattered believers of a people group, who up until now, have only ever been able to learn, pray and worship in Farsi, in their local Farsi (Persian) speaking churches. Imagine the day when a Gilaki believer is handed a Gilaki Bible for the first time, and invited to worship with other Gilaki speakers in their own heart language, on the new ‘Gilaki Community Church’. These dreams are slowly becoming realities. One at a time, by the grace of God, every people group in Iran will be able to gather together and worship the Lord in their own language.
Persian Community Church has created a platform where I can have fellowship and have a sense of belonging to a wider body of Christ all over the world. We meet each other on Sundays and worship Jesus. This blesses me a lot.
I grew up in a fanatic Muslim family; never had a Christian friend; never been to a church. In the midst of personal tragedy, I remembered Jesus and called out to him, “Please! Deliver me from this shame and tragedy!” and he came and met me in my pain and he changed my life. I had not yet committed my life to Christ but was desperately seeking to know him.
I was searching to find a Christian pastor and then I found the link to Persian Community Church and one of the leaders helped me commit my life to Christ. Now a year and 6 months has passed. Every Sunday and every Friday I participate in Persian Community Church. I have grown much in my faith. The beautiful part of this journey is that all the members of my family and friends who saw the transformation in my life – twelve of them – got interested and they spoke with the same Pastor and they all committed their lives to Christ. Now every week we meet together with him for discipleship.

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