Helping the Hurting
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40
Iran is full of hurting people. With record breaking rates of addiction, depression, suicide, abuse, prostitution, neglect and poverty, the people of Iran are a people hurting and in many ways forgotten.
Transform Iran believes in the healing, transformative power of the love of Jesus Christ. How can we preach the gospel but not feed the hungry? How can we plant churches but not bind up the broken hearted? The two go hand in hand. Jesus compels us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, look after the prisoners, and show kindness to strangers. Transform Iran’s wide range of activities ensure we do all this:
Feeding the Hungry and Clothing the Naked
Poverty in Iran and amongst Iranian refugees outside Iran is a real issue. Though Transform Iran is not primarily a humanitarian organization, we cannot turn a blind eye to the needs of those around us. Through the work of Operation Christmas Joy, we ensure children in need are fed, clothed, and their homes are heated through the harsh Christmas months. Through the work amongst Refugees and the Persecuted Church, we look to meeting these needs on a wider level and throughout the year.
Looking after Prisoners
It is a sad reality that those who follow Christ face a real threat of imprisonment in Iran. In these situations, Transform Iran stands with those who have been imprisoned. We advocate for their release and help those whose lives are in danger to escape. We then provide for their immediate needs and reestablish them in places of safety outside Iran.
Showing Kindness to Strangers
There are many times when we can show kindness to those we do not know. When protests rage through the streets of Iran and hospitals are banned from treating the wounded, Transform Iran sends doctors and nurses to the streets with medical supplies in their backpacks, ready to attend to those in need. When working children wonder the streets, Transform Iran sends teams to offer practical aid as well as friendship and compassionate care. When ‘outcasts’ are shut out of society, Transform Iran offers friendship and community.
Victims of Trauma, Abuse and Addiction
For the millions in Iran who find themselves dealing with past and ongoing trauma, abuse and addiction, there is a particularly deep sense of unworthiness and hopelessness. Transform Iran’s Pearl of Persia ministry works specifically with these people in mind, creating bespoke teaching that speaks of hope, healing and identity.
Christ often uses His angels to meet people in their darkest places, and my counsellor was one of them, who helped me find peace again and be restored in my soul and spirit.
Thank you for everything you have done to keep us from starvation. This is the work of our Holy God that he does not leave us hungry. He provides for all our needs.
From the day that help has come to us from you, our whole family is constantly in thanksgiving to the Lord. Before we started getting this aid, I was completely unable to work (and feed my family). Thank you for remembering us in our hour of need.
It was February. It was cloudy. In that moment the sun shone. My cell was right at the back and it had a tiny window. From the top, the sunshine was direct across my room on the opposite wall. I saw this light. The light was in my room and I was in the light. I started praying. God was there with me. He was speaking to me and revealing things to me. We had prayed before and I knew you were all praying while I was in there. Soon after that I was released. Thank you for everything you did behind the scenes. It was a miracle.

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