Church Planting
“I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[c] will not overcome it.” Matthew 16:18
Faith and Church Growth in Iran
At its core, Transform Iran is a church planting ministry. The Church is the Bride of Christ and a beautiful reflection of the glory, love and power of Christ for a world in need of a Savior. Transform Iran churches (known as ‘222 Churches’) are built upon the principles of 2 Timothy 2:2, where discipleship is at the core, and fruitful, Spirit-filled, anointed, leaders are developed. Leaders who will truly love the lost and activate the body of Christ into nation-transforming mission.
The vision is to plant, nurture, and grow thriving, reproducing churches, in every town and city across Iran, in the heart languages of all the people groups of Iran. So the message of the gospel is clearly understood and received by all Iranians, and the fellowship of the saints is accessible to all.
Iranian Church Resourced for Mission
Transform Iran plants churches that are rooted in the Word of God, strengthened, resourced, equipped, and actively engaged in nation-transforming mission.
Our family of ‘222 Churches’ span 18 countries, including hundreds of churches across more than 50 cities in Iran.
Churches in the Diaspora are actively involved in the mission to reach Iran, by volunteering and working for the various projects and initiatives run by Transform Iran.
Churches in Iran are also actively involved in mission, despite the risks they face. The heart for the lost outweighs any fear of danger.
Read about our digital church that connects 20,000+ Iranians monthly to safe Christian community

Supernatural Encounters and Organic Church Growth
The Spirit of God is at work in Iran today and the church is active and growing faster than ever before – some say faster than anywhere else in the world.
Having lived under government oppression and an Islamic theocracy for decades, Iranians are desperately hungry for truth and they are actively seeking it out; searching for the message their government is so adamant to suppress. It is illegal for Iranians to leave Islam but Jesus is breaking through all barriers and reaching Muslims directly through dreams and supernatural encounters. He is freeing them of addictions, healing diseases and restoring relationships. Family and friends see a life transformed and they want to know more. As more are added to the Body, house churches are planted organically.
Before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, believers of a Muslim background were counted only in the hundreds, and now there are over a MILLION!
Resourcing the Iranian House Church Movement
Transform Iran provides a full range of media that presents the gospel to seekers and invites personal contact with our dedicated follow up team. Trained counselors pray for those in need, lead seekers to Christ, and offer 1:1 discipleship.
Through this discipleship journey, topics will extend to the likes of evangelism, apologetics and church planting – because often through this process, the person being discipled unintentionally becomes a church planter.
So often, the counselor will be on a call and the person will say, ‘I’ve told all my friends and family what you’ve been saying to me, and now I hope you don’t mind, I’ve put you on speakerphone and there’s 30 of us in the room and we all want to know.’ This is how someone who only became a believer four or five months ago inadvertently plants a new house church.
As the relationship evolves, we start mentoring them in how they can look after this ‘house church’. Most churches in Iran are planted in this way. Real people living authentic lives are shining bright for Jesus and that catches and it spreads and new churches are planted.
Iran’s Persecuted Church: A Light Shining in the Darkness
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5
Iran is covered in a thick darkness of persecution, oppression, propaganda and religious control. So, when the light of Jesus shines, it’s particularly bright. Where there is unrest and hopelessness, Christians have peace that surpasses understanding; where there is despair, Christians have joy. As communities witness lives changed supernaturally and authentically by Jesus, they can’t help but ask to understand how.
Punishments for leaving Islam are severe. So Iranian Christians risk everything to follow Jesus and their faith is tested beyond anything we can comprehend in the West. Their relationship with Jesus becomes truly precious and priceless, worth dying for. There are no lukewarm Christians in Iran.
Read about our digital church that connects 20,000+ Iranians monthly to safe Christian community
Church on Mission: Muslim Cleric Turns to Christ
I was a Mullah, giving religion lessons. Two years ago, I found out I had breast cancer, I was connected to one of the pastors who introduced me to Jesus and despite my sickness a ray of hope was lit in my heart that I would be healed. During my treatment the church helped me a lot with teachings, prayer and also with emotional and financial help.
Today I’m completely healed and with the help of the ministry I’m following a university course to become a teacher and introduce the younger generation to Jesus.
In the last two years that I have known God I realized that He is my provider and a great and loving God, I’ve felt his presence every day in my life, even though I was a Muslim cleric I never had this feeling of God’s presence that I have now. My Lord Jesus Christ guides and teaches me and gave me a new Life, and now I’m very happy to have Him in my life, I feel His presence every day and everywhere and I’m so glad that He chose me to know the true God.

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